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India Faridkot Sg16 QV 1r VFU P0108H
India Faridkot Sg15 QV 1r VFU P0108H
India Faridkot Sg14 QV 12a VFU P0108H
India Faridkot Sg12 QV 8a VFU P0108H
India Faridkot Sg11 QV 6a VFU P0108H
Faridkot Album page of stamps (9) with watermarks
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Faridkot Album page of stamps (10) with watermarks
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Faridkot Album page of stamps (9) with watermarks
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India (Faridkot) 1879 #1 MNG SCV (2024) = $4.00
India Faridkot 1886 Sc O4 FU
India - Faridkot State 5 Mint Hinged OG * Broken "R" - Very Fine! - LMZ
India (Faridkot) 1887 #4 U SCV (2024) = $3.00
Faridkot 1887-1900 Extended Set of 16 SG1-16 All Shades Fine & Fresh MM CV £350
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India FARIDKOT State QV 3As Postage SG 6 / Sc 7 in BLK/4 Cat. £36 MNH Inde I...
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Faridkot 1887 6a Olive-Bistre SG10 Fine & Fresh LMM
India Faridkot SG O12 QV 8a Service MOG P0607H
India Faridkot SG #11,O11 Mint OG H £50 LOT #64776
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Faridkot 1887 6a Olive-Bistre SG010 Fine LMM
INDIAN STATES - Faridkot QV SG N5, 1f ultramarine, FINE USED.
1886 India Faridkot #O7 Official Watermk 31 - OGLH - VF - CV$82.50 (ESP#4405)
LX: India Faridkot O1-7 mint CV $124.90; scan shows only a few
LX: India Faridkot 4-14 mint CV $278.50; scan shows only a few
LX: India Faridkot O8a unused no gum CV $75
India - Faridkot State 5 Mint Hinged OG * Small "R" Variety - Very Fine! - RQK
India - Faridkot Varieties not issued for postal use (1879-86) Mint H VF C
Faridkot State - 1887 QV Sg#1, 2 & 17 - 3v - Mint Hinged
Gwalior State - 1903-11 8a Kedvii Sg#57B - Cv=18.00 GBP Ovpt Mint Hinged
Faridkot State - 1887-98 8a QV Service Ovpt Sg#O12 Cv=20.00 GBP Mint Hinged
Faridkot 9 Mint Hinged OG* NO Faults Very Fine! BND
Indian Faridkot QV 1879 1 Paisa Blue MH BP9370
India Faridkot Sc# 4 MNH block/4 1887-1893 1/2a overprint Queen Victoria
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Faridkot 7 Mint Hinged OG* NO Faults Very Fine! MNV
Indian States - Faridkot 1887 Official 8a magenta opt'd S...
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Faridkot Six Different Colours all Imperf
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Faridkot Four Different Colours all Perforated
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Faridkot Block of 9 with black Cancels
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Faridkot Six Different Colours all Perforated
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Faridkot Block of 10 with black Cancels
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Faridkot 1879 Reprints 12 stamps
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Faridkot Album page of stamps (9) with watermarks
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Faridkot Five Different Colours all Perforated
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Faridkot 4 stamps all with watermark
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ICS FARIDKOT SG1v 1/2a Deep Green Variety KCT Feb 1894 printing (thin) M/M
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Faridkot Block of 10 with black Cancels
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Faridkot Block of 12
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Faridkot 5 stamps all with watermark
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Faridkot Five Different Colours all Perforated
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Faridkot Five Different Colours all Imperf
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