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1948 Singapore Scott #18 King George VI, $1 Denomination, Mint Never Hinged
19m 44s
Mongolia - C93-99. MNH Set. Aircraft, Balloon. SCV - $4.60
20m 43s
Mongolia - 1254-61, MNH Set. Animals. SCV - $4.80
20m 43s
Mongolia - C164-70, MNH Set. Balloon Flight Bicentenary. SCV - $4.75
20m 43s
Mongolia - 752-59, MNH Set. Butterflies. SCV - $9.60. See Note Below...
was $4
20m 43s
Japan - (HS) 1948 Sports sets, mint, cat. $ 83.50
1h 32m
INDIA - ASIA: 4 Different WW Worldwide Lot Unused Mint MNH OG Collection
Free Shipping
2h 11m
Manchukuo Postage Stamps
8h 15m
Shanghai Municipality Local Post Stamps -Independent Post - Used
8h 36m
Shanghai Municipality Postage Due Stamps - MH
8h 55m
China 1932 Peking Print Yellow Postage Due (8v Cpt) MNH
9h 10m
China 1940 Postage Due Overprint on DahTung Pt SYS (2v Cpt ) MNH CV$20
9h 11m
China 1940 "Postage Due" on DahTung Pt SYS (2v Cpt, Imprint B/4) MNH CV$80
9h 12m
China 1940 Hong Kong Print Yellow Postage Due (11v Cpt ) MNH
9h 13m
China 1940 Hong Kong Print Yellow Postage Due (11v Cpt, B/4 ) MNH
9h 15m
China 1944 Centrl Trust Print Postage Due (7v Cpt + 2HV Thick Paper) MNH
9h 16m
China 1947 Shanghai DahTong Pt. Postage Due (9v Cpt) MNH
9h 17m
China 1948 London Pt. Surcharged Postage Due (8v Cpt) MNH
9h 18m
China 1948 London Pt. Surcharged Postage Due (8v Cpt, B/4) MNH
9h 19m
China 1948 Surch. For Use as Gold Yuan Postage Due (10v Cpt) MNH
9h 20m
China 1948 Surch. For Use as Gold Yuan Postage Due (10v Cpt, B/4) MNH
9h 21m
China 1949 Gold Yuan Currency on Parcel Post Stamp (7v Cpt) Fine Used
9h 22m
NE China 1947 Blue Postage Due & It's Surcharged (6v + 3v Cpt) MNH
9h 24m
Taiwan 1948 Blue Postage Due (5v, Cpt) MNH CV$12
9h 25m
Taiwan 1948 Surcharged on Blue Postage Due (4v, Cpt) MNH CV$96
9h 26m
Taiwan 1945 Hi-value Revenue ($50 Taipei Museum, B/4) MNH
9h 27m
Taiwan 1953 Rev Surcharged as Postage Due (10c & 20c) V.RARE MNH CV$40
9h 28m
Taiwan 1964-5 Surcharged as Postage Due (3v Cpt) V.Fine MNH
9h 29m
RO China 1984-88 Postage Due Stamp (8v Cpt) MNH
9h 30m
China 1912 Old Revenue, 5-Color National Flag on Great Wall (50c B/4) MNG
9h 31m
China 1940 Old Beautiful Revenue, Temple of Heaven (1c Green) MNH
9h 32m
China 1940 Old Beautiful Revenue, Temple of Heaven (1c Green, B/4) MNH
9h 34m
China 1940 Old Revenue, Temple of Heaven w Overpt. (1c, 1 pair) MNG
9h 35m
China 1940 Old Revenue Temple of Heaven w Overpt. (1c, B/4) MNG
9h 36m
China 1943 RARE Revenue Fu-shing Gate 復興關 ($40) MNH
9h 37m
China 1943 RARE Revenue Fu-shing Gate 復興關 ($40, Block of 4) MNH
9h 38m
China 1940s Old Revenue, Transportation (6v, diff Plates) MNH
9h 39m
China 1943 Old Revenue, Transportation (6v, Dah Tung Pt.) MNH
9h 40m
China 1943 Old Revenue, Transportation (6v, Dah Tung Pt. Block of 4) MNH
9h 41m
China 1940s Old Revenue, Transportation (6v up to $30k, diff Plates) MNH
9h 43m
China 1944 Old Rev Calm-sea Building 鎮海樓 (50c Blue, Block of 4) MNH
9h 44m
China 1945 Old Revenue, Transportation ($1000 Red) MNH
9h 45m
China 1945 Old Revenue, Transportation ($1000 Red, B/4) MNH
9h 46m
China 1945 Old Revenue, Transportation ($10000 Blue) MNH
9h 47m
China 1945 Old Revenue, Transportation ($10000 Blue, B/4) MNH
9h 48m
China 1943 Old Rev, Transportation (DahTung Pt. $30000 Red) MNH
9h 49m
China 1943 Old Rev, Transportation (DahTung Pt $30000 Red, Block of 4) MNH
9h 50m
China 1941 Revenue, Liu-He Tower 六合塔 (20c Red, Block of 4) MNH
9h 51m
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