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Germany - DDR SC# 2309a FVF/MNH
Three covers on the theme of aviation and its history
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Germany - DDR SC# 2052a+2056a FVF/MNH
Germany - DDR SC# 565-67 FVF/MNH
Germany - DDR SC# 555-7 FVF/MOG
Germany - DDR SC# 303-4 FVF/MNH
Germany - DDR SC# 10n42 FVF/U
Germany - DDR SC# 119 FVF/CTO 1952
Germany - DDR SC# 10n42 FVF/U
Trieste #QY1-QY4 Mint F-VF NH Scott $76.00
Germany - DDR SC# 10n38 FVF/U 1948
Italy-Trieste # 35 A.M.G. Overprint - Milan Fair (1) Unused VLH
Germany - DDR SC# 135 F-Vf U 1953
Germany - DDR SC# 444-9 VF LH 1959
Germany - DDR SC# 145 FVF/MOG 1953
Germany - DDR SC# 10n40 FVF/U 1948
Germany - DDR SC# 130 F-Vf U 1953
Germany - DDR SC# 412-13 VF MNH 1958
Germany - DDR SC# 10n40 AVF/MOG 1948
Germany - DDR SC# 133 F-Vf LH 1953
Germany - DDR SC# 106 FVF/CTO 1952
Germany - DDR SC# 49 F-Vf MNH 1949
Germany - DDR SC# O18 FVF/MLH 1954
Germany - DDR SC# 230 VF/MNH 1955
Germany - DDR SC# 229 FVF/MNH 1955
Middle East Forces 1942 George VI GB stamps Optd M.E.F., Part Set [Unused]
Germany - DDR SC# 134 F-Vf MNH 1953
Germany - DDR SC# 230a FVF/MNH 1955
Germany - DDR SC# 134 F-Vf MNH 1953
Trieste #E1-E4 Mint F-VF NH Scott $160.80
Germany - DDR SC# 303-4 FVF/MNH 1956
Germany - DDR SC# B25 F-Vf OG 1952
Germany - DDR SC# 146 F-Vf LH 1953
Italy-Venezia Giulia #1LN13 Mint VF VLH Scott $29.00
United Nations interim military force postally used cover 1983
Ryuku Scott 39 MVLH! Telephone!
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Germany - DDR SC# 51-2 FVF/MNH
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Germany - DDR SC# 71-4 F-Vf OG 1950
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Trieste - Zone a SC# C5 FVF/U 1947
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Ryuku Scott 81-87 MVLH! Complete Set! Dances!
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Trieste #108 Mint VF NH Scott $5.50 13 1/2x14
Germany - DDR SC# 88 F-Vf U 1951
Trieste - Zone a SC# 35 F-Vf U 1949
Trieste #EY5 Mint F-VF NH Scott $14.50
Germany - DDR SC# B25 F-Vf OG 1952
Germany - DDR SC# 123 F-Vf LH 1953
Germany - DDR SC# 113 F-Vf U 1952
Italy-Venezia Giulia #1LN13 Mint VF NH Scott $29.00
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