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Albania SC#C56-C59 Airmails 1950 Used
6 days, 15h
Classical albania album Michel 1000+ euro MNH mostly
5 days, 20h
Portugal 1975 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 12h
Stamps - Albania - Scott# C8-C14 - Mint Hinged Set of 7 Stamps
1 day, 16h
Albania #491-498 Cat$18.25, 1953 50q-20L, complete set, never hinged
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Albania #706-709 Cat$75, 1963 Winter Olympics, imperf set of four, never hinged
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Albania 1964 Space Exhibition, Riccione Opt on 2l MUH lot69501
Albania 1965 European Shooting Championships MUH lot69520
Albania 1966 farm, Domestic Animals MUH lot69552
Albania 1968 Death Anniv. Skanderberg MUH lot69623
Albania 1969 National Spartakiad MUH lot69681
Albania Scott# 172 MH
Albania 1980 Lenin Birth Anniv. CTO lot69871
Albania 1962 Space, Yuri gagarin, Vostok 1 CTO lot69462
Albania 1963 Industrial Development MUH lot69484
Albania 1965 Surcharges MUH lot69532
Albania 1965 WWII veterans meeting MUH lot69537
Albania 1965 Centenary of the ITU MUH lot69521
Albania 1966 Dogs MUH lot69582
Albania 1967 State University MUH lot69612
Albania 1966 Andon Zako Cajupi MUH lot69556
Albania 1968 Flowers MUH lot69641
Albania 1970 UPU Headquarters MUH lot69707
Albania 1968 Flowers MUH lot69627
Albania 1971 Intl. year against racial Discrimination MUH lot69725
Albania 1978 National Folklore Festival CTO lot69852
Albania 1964 Phases of the Moon MUH lot41554
Albania B1-B3 Mint hinged
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Albania sc 495 MNH
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Albania 1964 Tokyo Olympcs IMPERF MUH lot69500
Albania 1965 Fruits MUH lot69514
Albania 1965 Balkan basketball Championships MUH lot69548
Albania 1967 Flowers, Roses MUH lot69598
Albania 1971 Flowers, Tulips MUH lot69727
ALBANIA Scott # 747, 749 MH - Paper Adhesion & Hinge Remnant
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Albania 1978 National Rifle-Shooting Championships CTO lot69846
Albania 1978 Farm Scenes CTO lot69854
Albania Scott 1603 Mint NH (Catalog Value $25.00)
Albania Scott C10 Unused HOG - 1927 Airplane Crossing Mountains O/P - SCV $4.75
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Albania 1974 Archaeological discoveries in Albania MNH VF
Albania Sc #54-61 Set of 8 on piece used VF
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Albania sc 561,562 MH
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Albania #697 Food Processing Plant MNH
Albania 1991 Admission to CEPT MUH lot58460
Albania Europe Cept 1992 Mnh** A30P19F42331-
Albania 620 MLH, BIN $1.00
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Albania 1962 Tokyo Olympic Games (1st issue) imperf m/she...
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Albania #164-170 Cat$26.25, 1925 Overprints, complete set, lightly hinged
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