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Swaziland MNH 302A-D QE II Coronation
6 days, 12h
Stamps - Swaziland - Scott# 278-280 - Mint Never Hinged Gutter Pairs
9 days, 7h
SA27a Swaziland, Eswatini 1974 100th Anniv of Universal Postal Union, stamps
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Swaziland Scott 35 - SG36b, 1938 George VI 2/6d Perf 13.1/2 x 14 MH*
Swaziland Scott 33 - SG34, 1938 George VI 6d Perf 13.1/2 x 13 MH*
Swaziland Scott 29 - SG30, 1938 George VI 1.1/2d Perf 13.1/2 x 13 MH*
Swaziland Scott 27 - SG28, 1938 George VI 1/2d Perf 13.1/2 x 13 MH*
Swaziland Scott 13 - SG14, 1933 George V 3d used
Swaziland Scott 24/26 - SG25/27, 1937 Coronation Set used
Swaziland Scott 27 - SG28a, 1938 George VI 1/2d Perf 13.1/2 x 14 used
Swaziland #162a NH 2c Crocodile - Perf 12 1/2 x 12
Swaziland #163a NH 3c Lion - Wmk. Upright
Eswatini/Swaziland 1982, Sugar industry 4v, MNH
Eswatini/Swaziland 1991, Flowers 4v, MNH
Swaziland 1968 #157 mnh cv. $8.50 ( bcxx10391 )
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Swaziland 1968 #159 mnh cv. $6.50 ( bcxx10390 )
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Swaziland #20-23 Unused Single (Complete Set)
Swaziland 1964 #114 mnh cv. $4 ( bcxx10388 )
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Swaziland 1964 #113 mnh cv. $3.20 ( bcxx10387 )
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Swaziland 1964 #112 mnh cv. $2.60 ( bcxx10386 )
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Swaziland 1964 #111 mnh cv. $2.40 ( bcxx10385A )
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Swaziland 1961 #91 mnh cv. $21 ( bcxx10385 )
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Swaziland 1938 #35 mlh cv. $13 ( bcxx10384 )
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Swaziland 1933 #17 mlh cv. $16 ( bcxx10383 )
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Swaziland 1933 #14 mlh cv. $3.50 ( bcxx10380 )
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Swaziland 1889 #2 mlh cv- $25 ( bcxx10375 )
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Swaziland 1889 #5 mlh cv- $21 ( bcxx10374 )
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Swaziland 1889 #5 used cv$16 (bcxx10373)
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Swaziland 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set complete MLH. SG 21-24. Sc 20-23.
Swaziland 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set complete superb MNH. SG 21-24. Sc 20-23.
Swaziland 1938-54 1 1/2d King George VI MNH block of 4
Swaziland #27-37 Cat$85, 1938 George VI, complete set, never hinged
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Swaziland 1948 Silver wedding full set of stamps. Mint. Sg 46-47
Swaziland, #465b Used From 1984
Eswatini/Swaziland 1982, 75 years scouting 4v, MNH
Swaziland Scott 55-66, 1956 QEII Scenes, VF MLH. Scott $110
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Swaziland Scott 134-37 FDC - 1968 Feast of the First Fruits Issue
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Swaziland Scott 130-33 FDC - 1967 1st Conferment of Degrees from U. of Botswana
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Swaziland GV Sg14, 3d Blue, Fine Used.
Swaziland GV Sg21-24, 1935 Silver Jubilee Set, LH Mint. Cat £12.
Swaziland GVI Sg46-47, 1949 Royal Silver Wedding Set, NH Mint. Cat £40.
SWAZILAND GVI SG36, 2s 6d bright violet, LH MINT. Cat £35.
SWAZILAND GVI SG37, 5s grey, M MINT. Cat £75.
SWAZILAND GVI SG28-38a, 1938-54 KGVI defins + shades & perfs, LH MINT. Cat £540+
Swaziland GV Sg21-24, 1935 Silver Jubilee Set, M Mint. Cat £12.
Swaziland GV Sg21-24, 1935 Silver Jubilee Set, Fine Used. Cat £24.
Swaziland Sg90-105 Qeii SET to 2r MOG P0118A H
Swaziland Sg53-67 Qeii SET to L1 MOG P0118A H
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