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South West Africa
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SWA MNH 512-5 Paintings Animals & Land
3 days, 18h |
SWA MNH 532-5 Acacia's In Spring Flowers 1984
6 days, 18h
SWA MNH 479-82 Historic Buildings In Lüderitz 1981
6 days, 18h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott# 116 - Used Pair of Stamps
6 days, 21h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott# 99a - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
6 days, 21h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott# 86 - Used Pair of Stamps
6 days, 21h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott# 85 - Mint Hinged Pair of Stamps
7 days, 20h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott#346 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
8 days, 19h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott#109b,110b,111a,115b-Used Part Set of 4 Stamps
8 days, 19h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott# 250-251 - Used Part Set of 2 Stamps
8 days, 19h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott#267,268,270,271 - Used Part Set of 4 Stamps
8 days, 19h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott#451,452,456,456A - Used Part Set of 4 Stamps
8 days, 19h
Stamps - South West Africa - Scott# 244 - Mint Hinged Part Set of 1 Stamp
8 days, 19h
South West Africa 1938 Sc B5 MH
South West Africa 1978 Sc 419-22 Christmas Religion set MNH
South West Africa 1946 Sc 153-55 KGVI Peace set MNG
Namibia 1997 Sc 847 dinosaur MS MNH
South West Africa 1980 Sc 442a fish MNH
Namibia 1998 * 877 BLK(6) set MNH
Namibia 1995 Sc 774-9 Train set MNH
South West Africa 1949 Sc 160-162 set FU
Namibia 1991 Sc 696 WWF set MNH
South West Africa 1952 Sc 166-170 set mh
South West Africa 1980 Sc 37-42 fish MNH
South West Africa 1963 Sc 294,7 FU
South West Africa 1967 Sc 311 FU
South West Africa 1945 Sc 153-5 set MNH
South West Africa 1931 Sc 115 FU
South West Africa 1961 Sc 267-70,74-5 FU
South West Africa 1953 Sc 244-5,8 FU
South West Africa 1963 Sc 295 FU
South West Africa 1952 Sc 166-8 set FU
South West Africa 1962 Sc 271 MH
South West Africa 1954 Sc 256-57,59-60 FU
South West Africa 1931 Sc J86,87,90 MH
South West Africa 1954 Sc 249-53,255 FU
South West Africa 1961 Sc 271,275 MH
South West Africa 1961 Sc 268-71,273-75 FU
South West Africa 1962 Sc 271,273(UN) MNH
South West Africa 1961 Sc 266-70,72-6,78-80 MH
South West Africa 1938 Sc O17a MH
South West Africa 1942 Sc 144-50,152 FU
South West Africa 1927 Sc 97a,b,98a FU
South West Africa 1963 Sc 294,297 set FU
South West Africa 1923 Sc J3 MH
South West Africa 1942 Sc 146 FU
South West Africa 1931 Sc J88 FU
South West Africa 1929 Sc O8 MH
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