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Uganda #888-895 Cat$15, 1991 Disney, complete set, never hinged
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1919 East Africa Uganda Sc.#62 MNH** ( 1140 BCX2 )
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Uganda-Sc#928//935-unused NH 1/2 set-Charles de Gaulle-1991-
Uganda 888-95 Donald and Friends Visit Japan for a Stamp Exhibition in 1991
Uganda #1931/V9 Souvenir Sheet
Uganda - 1991 Disney Characters in Japan - 2 Souvenir Sheets - 21D-172
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Uganda - 1981 - SC 317 - NH - Souvenir sheet
Uganda #858 1991 Wetlands & Fauna Mint VF NH O.G S/S
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Birds - Uganda #1931 Owls MNH
Uganda 1990 QE2 100/- Christmas used stamp ( C1351 )
Uganda-1990-Sc#789-96 Penny Black 150th Anniversary Very Fine Last ONE Rare
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Uganda 1991 Royal Anniversaries imperf proofs in presentation folder
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Uganda 1991 (MNH) Stamp Exhibition, Tokyo plate blocks
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Uganda 1991 (MNH) Olympic Games, Barcelona plate blocks
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Uganda 1991, World jamboree s/s, MNH
Uganda 1991 (MNH) 1200s Giraffe miniature sheet
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Uganda 1991, Railways, Atlantic s/s, MNH
Uganda 1991 (MNH) 1000s Haplochromis miniature sheet
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Uganda 1991, Fish s/s, Haplochromis, MNH
Uganda 1991, Charles & Diana s/s, MNH
Uganda 1991 (MNH) Charles de Gaulle Birth Centenary plate blocks
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Uganda 1991, Fish 8v, MNH
1997 Uganda 1911/B281 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano 6,00 €
Uganda 1991 Endangered Species, Elephants first day postcards, KAMPALA
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Uganda 1991, Christmas 8v, MNH
Uganda 1990 (MNH) Christmas plate blocks
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Uganda 1991, Olympic Games s/s, Estafette, MNH
Uganda 1991 Endangered Species, Elephants first day covers, KAMPALA
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Uganda 1991 MNH Sc 906-7 souvenir sheets
Uganda 1991, Fish s/s, Aphyosemion striatum, MNH
Uganda, #833a Used From 1990/92
Uganda 1991, Giraffe s/s, MNH
Uganda 1990 (MNH) WWII Anniversary plate blocks
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Uganda, #835 Used From 1990-92
Uganda 1991, Rhino s/s, MNH
Uganda 1991 Sc 906-7 souvenir sheets FDC
Uganda 1990 Population and Housing Census imperf proofs
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Uganda 1991, Wetlands 16v m/s, MNH
1991 Uganda 959/B147 Mushrooms 6,50 €
Uganda 1990 (MNH) Health & Safety Campaign plate blocks
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Uganda 1991, Christmas 2 s/s, MNH
Uganda 1991, Vincent van Gogh 8v, MNH
1991 Uganda 960-963 WWF / Elephants 10,00 €
Uganda 1981, Picasso 4v, MNH
1991 Uganda 964/B148 Fauna - Giraffe 13,00 €
Uganda 1991, Kew pagode s/s, MNH
Uganda 1990 (MNH) Flowering Trees plate blocks
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Uganda 1991 - BALLOON AIRMAIL - Sheet of 9 (Scott #974) - MNH
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