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Mali 1979 Airmail, Apollo 11 Moon Landing. 10th Annive. (2v Cpt) MNH CV$7
2 days, 11h
Mali 1979 Airmail, Apollo 11 Moon Landing. 10th Annive. (2v Cpt, B/4) MNH CV$28
2 days, 11h
Mali 1979 Beautiful Butterflies (5v Cpt) MNH CV$14+
2 days, 12h
Mali 1979, Endangered animals 5v, MNH
Mali 338-339,MNH.Michel 709-710. Operation Green Sahel,1979,Map,planting tree.
Mali 1979, Dogs 5v, MNH
Mali 1979, Moonlanding 2v, MNH
Mali 1979, James Cook 2v, MNH
Mali 1979, Sir Rowland Hill 5v, MNH
Mali 1979, Fruits 5v, MNH
Mali 1979, Preolympic year 2v, MNH
[36433] Mali 1979 Wild life chimpanzee lamentin antelopes MNH
Mali 1979, Philexfrance 2v+tab [:T;}, purple label, MNH
Mali 1979 Museums day FDC Bamako Cancel unaddressed with enclosure VGC
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Mali 1979, Christmas, Durer paintings 3v, MNH
Mali 1979, Philexafrique 2v [:T:], red label, MNH
Mali 1979 120fr Philexafrique II imperf pair MNH. Scott 336, CV $6.00 estimate
Mali 1979 Philexafrique pr + label MUH
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Mali 1979 Children's Year UNICEF set of 3 FDC
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Mali 1979 MNH Sc 322-4 IMPERFORATE deluxe souvenir sheets
Mali 1979 MNH Sc 323 brown proof
Mali 1979 MNH Sc 322-4 gutter pairs
Mali 1979 MNH Sc 322-4 Imperforate
Mali 1979 MNH Sc 322-4
Mali 1979 MNH Sc 322-4
Mali 1979 Sc#C368/C371 Chess Pieces and Grand Masters Set (4) MNH Coin Date Rare
Mali 1979 Sc#C362/C363 Pre-Olympic Year Moscow '80 Set (2) MNH
Mali 348-352, MNH. Michel 719-723. Butterflies 1979. Eurema Brigitta,
Mali 1979 Sc#C366/C367 Capt.James Cook - Ships Set (2) Imperforated MNH
Mali 1979 Sc#C362/C363 PRE-OLYMPIC YEAR MOSCOW '80 Corner Block of 4 MNH
Mali #327-39 (1979 Museums Day issue) VFMNH CV $1.80
Mali 348-352, lightly hinged. Michel 719-723. Butterflies 1979. Eurema Brigitta,
Mali #348-52 MNH set, various butterflies, issued 1979
Mali 1979 Sc#C366/C367 Capt. James Cook - Ships 2 Deluxe Souvenir Sheets MNH
Mali 1979 Easter imperforate. MNH VF
Mali 1979 Airmail, Apollo 11 Moon Landing. 10th Annive. (2v Cpt, B/4) MNH CV$24
P3298 - Mali 1979, Scott C 375 Imperf Mnh, Concorde-
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Mali 330-334, MNH. Mi 701-705. Sir Rowland Hill 1979. UPU, Coach, Plane, Airship
Mali 1979 BUTTERFLIES set Perforated Mint (NH)
P3298 - Mali 1979, Scott C 375 Imperf Mnh, Concorde-
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Mali 322-324,MNH.Michel 693-695. IYC-1979. Bird, Calf.
1979 Mali 724-725 10th Anniversary Of Apollo 11 5,00 €
Mali 1979 Operation Green Sahel imperforate. MNH VF
Mali 1979 Sc#322/324 INTERNATIONAL CHILD YEAR/SCOUT 3 DELUXE Souvenir Sheets MNH
Mali 1979 Sc#324 Boys with CALF Year of the Child (IYC) Deluxe S/S Imperf.MNH
Mali #C357a (1979 Philexafrique pair) VFMNH CV $5.00
MALI 1979 Sc#C366/C367 Captain JAMES COOK 2 Sheetlets of 25 each Imperforated
Mali 1979 International Museums Day imperforate. MNH VF
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