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2015 - Libya - 70th Anniversary of the United Nations (1945-2015) FDC
Libya Kingdom 2015, Revolution 4th Anniversary 3v [::], MNH
2015 - Libya - 70th Anniversary of the United Nations (1945-2015)
Libya MNH S/S 1107 Fish Of Jamahiriya SCV 10.00 SC 2018
2013 - Libya- National Stamp Exhibition- Butterflies- FDC
Libya Kingdom 2013, 2nd anniversary of revolution 3v [::], MNH
Libya 1961 #211 U SCV(2014)=$1.25
Libya World CUP 2018 Fifa Coupe DU Monde Soccer Fussball
Libya Kingdom 2012, Childrens paintings 5v [::::], MNH
Stamps. Art, painting, Religion, Easter 2016 1+1 sheets perforated MNH **
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Libya 2017 MNH Libyan Independence 1951 Anniversary 1v Set Stamps
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2015 - Libya - International Children’s Day - Butterflies - FDC
2023 - Libya - Solidarity Gaza Palestine- Issues of 2015 Surcharged - Castles
2015- Libya- International Children’s Day-Butterflies-Full sheet MNH**
2015- Libya - Archeological Sites and Monuments- Full sheets- Compl.set 2V.MNH**
2013 - Libya- National Stamp Exhibition- Butterflies- Block -Compl.set 1v. MNH**
2015 - Libya - Libye- Boats in Euromed- Bateau - FDC
2017- Libya- Tripoli International Fair 2017- Handicarfts- Perforated Minisheet
2018- Libya- Libye- Tripoli International Fair 2018- Mosaics- Mosaiques-MS MNH**
2023 - Libya - Solidarity Gaza Palestine- Issues of 2015 Surcharged - FDC
2013 - Libya- National Stamp Exhibition- Butterflies- Pair- Compl. set 1v. MNH**
2015- Libya - Archeological Sites and Monuments- Complete set 2V.MN**
2015 - Libya- Boats in Euromed, Joint & common issue - Full sheet MNH**
Libya MNH S/S 1107 Fish Of Jamahiriya SCV 10.00 SC 2018
2015 - Libya- Libye- Flowers from Libya- Fleurs de Libye- FDC
2015 - Libya - Martyr´s Day - Bird- Horses- Complete set 1v.MNH**
2014 - 2024 - Libya - 60th + 70th Anniversary of founding of the Libyan Scouts
2015- Libya- 4rd Anniversary of 17th February revolution- Strip (3v)- Full sheet
2023 - Libya - Solidarity Gaza Palestine- Issues of 2015 Surcharged -Block of 4
2015 - Libya- Libye- Flowers from Libya- Fleurs- FDC and Block MNH**
2017- Libya- Tripoli International Fair 2017- Handicarfts- FDC
2015 - Libya- Libye- Flowers from Libya- Fleurs de Libye- Minisheet - MNH**
2015 -Libya - The 43rd Tripoli International Fair – Pottery- Perforated MS MNH**
2015 - Libya- Anniversary of Libyan Independence – Flag- Complete set 1V.MNH**
2013 - Libya- National Stamp Exhibition- Butterflies- Complete set 1v. MNH**
2016- Libya-International Children's Day- FDC
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2017- Libya- Tripoli International Fair 2017- Handicarfts- 2 FDC
2015- Libya- Libye- Boats in Euromed, Joint & common issue- Complete set MNH**
Libya Kingdom 2015, Tripoli International Fair 6v m/s, MNH
2015- Libya- Postal stamp day- Full sheet- Complete set 1V MNH**
2015- Libya- Libye- Postal stamp day- Journée du timbre- Complete set 1V MNH**
2015- Libya- International Children’s Day- Butterflies- Complete set 1v.MNH**
2015 - Libya- Libye - Dates of Libya - Dates de Libye- complete set 5 V- MNH**
Libya MNH S/S 1107 Fish Of Jamahiriya SCV 10.00 SC 2018
2005- Libya- 1st Fair for Communications
2014- Libya- The 60th Anniversary of founding of the Libyan Scouts - Strip MNH**
Libya Kingdom 2018, Nelson Madela s/s, MNH
2015- Libya- Postal stamp day- FDC and Complete set 1V MNH**
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