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Uganda 1992, Hypsilophodon s/s
Uganda 1992, Mountain Gorilla s/s
Uganda 1992, Music instruments 8v
Malawi 1992, Olympic games Barcelona s/s
Botswana 1992, Railways 4v
Burundi 1992, Olympic games 2v
Malawi 1992, Olympic games Barcelona 4v
Tanzania 1992, Lord Baden Powell s/s
Gabon 1992, Masks 4v
Gabon 1992, World food conference 1v
Madagascar 1992, Film & pop stars 6v
Mali 1992, Stamp out of set
Mali 1992, Stamp out of set
Ghana 1992, Prehistoric animals 8v
Ghana 1992, Philanippon 8v
Gambia 1992, Accession anniversary 2 s/s
Gambia Sc 1190-91 NH 2 Souvenir Sheets of 1992 - Music - Blues - Sc$11 - (Aa23)
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Tunisia 1992, Birds s/s imperforated
Somalia 1992, UNCED/WWF 4v
Madagascar 1992, Space, Apollo 11 s/s
Mauritius 1992, Mixed issue 5v
Mali 1992, 150fr on 190fr, Stamp out of set
Mali 1992, 150fr on 190fr
Mali 1992, 200fr on 640fr, Stamp out of set
Mali 1992, 240fr on 625fr, Stamp out of set
Mali 1992, 100fr on 600fr, Stamp out of set
Namibia 710-713, MNH. Mi 719-722. Freshwater fish 1992. Blue kurper, Catfish,
Senegal 1028-1031, MNH. Michel 1231-1234. Shellfish 1992. Crabs, Lobster, Shrimp
Tanzania 816-822,MNH.Michel 1040-1046. Fish 1992.
Namibia 712a sheet, MNH. Michel Bl.14. Freshwater fish 1992. Carp.
Tanzania 940-946,947,MNH.Michel 1247-1253,Bl.179. Shells 1992.
Tanzania 816-822,823,MNH.Michel 1040-1046,Bl.168. Fish 1992.
ZIL ELWANNYEN SESEL 1992 QE II Accession 40th Anniversary; Scott 183-87; MNH
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Djibouti 1992, Around the house 2v
Ivory Coast 1992, 200f, UNCED, stamp out of set
Ivory Coast 1992, 10f, vacation village, stamp out of set
Lesotho 1992 - New York City - Souvenir Stamp Sheet - Scott #937 - MNH
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Lesotho 1992 - Dinosaurs - Souvenir Stamp Sheet - Scott #916 - MNH
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Lesotho 1992 - Dinosaurs - Souvenir Stamp Sheet - Scott #915 - MNH
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SA19c Tanzania 1992 Cats minisheet + stamps used
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SA19c Tanzania 1992 Makonde Art minisheet + stamps used
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Mali 1992, 30fr on 180fr
Mali 1992, 200fr on 300fr
Burundi 1992 Felis Serval - Cat - WWF Complete Mint MNH Set SC 681-684
Comoros 1992, Space exploration 6 s/s
Congo 1992 Mi. 1307 - 1312 Klb. ND Gandhi John Paul II Boat Zeppelin Bird-
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Sierra Leone 1992 Scott 1546 used - 1000L, bird, Blue Cuckoo-shrike
Sierra Leone 1992 Scott 1545 used - 750L, bird, Northern White-faced Owl
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