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Afghanistan # 532-38 ~ Short Set 4 of 7 ~ Unused, HM
ICOLLECTZONE Afghanistan mi 1680 bears sheet VF NH
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ICOLLECTZONE Afghanistan 460-461 imperf VF NH
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ICOLLECTZONE Afghanistan 394-397 F/VF hinged #1
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ICOLLECTZONE Afghanistan B29-30 IMPERF XF hinged
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ICOLLECTZONE Afghanistan 518-519A imperf VF NH
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3 Afghan Mint No Gum, Hinge Remnant - S14111
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Afghanistan - Scott #558-559 - S/S - Perforated - MNH - SCV $3.25
Afghanistan - Scott #516-517 - S/S - Imperf - MH - SCV $1.50
Afghanistan - Scott #528-529 - S/S - MH - Toning spot UR - SCV $2.25
Afghanistan 1985 WWF Wild Animals set (4) MNH Sc # 1172-1175
Afghanistan 2004 WWF Himalayan Musk Deer Shlt (16v)Perf MNH
Afghanistan 1998 Mi.# 1775/1783 Lady Diana In Memoriam Sheetlet (9) MNH VF
Afghanistan 1960 Sc#470/471 W.R.Y.S/S Type II Imperf.(1) FDC
Afghanistan #628 2p Pole Vault mint no gum
Afghanistan 2004 Football AC Milan Italy Set (9) Perforated MNH VF
Afghanistan - Scott #1164 - Postally Used - Light crease - SCV $1.90
Afghanistan - Scott #303 - MLH - SCV $3.25
Afghanistan 1163 Used 1985 issue (fe7522)
Afghanistan 483 MNH 1960 Olympics Overprint block of 4 all stamps are diff ce...
Afghanistan 1970 Sc#829 Independence Day (1) F.D.C.
Afghanistan 1974 Sc#907 Flags of Pashtunistan & Afghanistan (1) FDC
Afghanistan - Scott #397 - Imperf - MH - See description - SCV $3.00
Afghanistan - Scott #502-503 - S/S - MH - Stain UL, small crease - SCV $5.00
Afghanistan #1135-1137 1985 Intelsal 40th Anniv. Mint VF NH O.G CTO
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Afghanistan 2004 WWF Himalayan Musk Deer 4 SS Imperf.MNH VF
Tajikistan #not listed Presley & Clinton MNH
Afghanistan The Cultural Icons Disney/Dali/Nurejew/DALI/MATISSE Sheetlet (9) MNH
Afghanistan 1970 Sc #839/841 Centenary of the 1st.Afghan Postage Stamps set (3)
Afghanistan 1971 Sc#846/847 UNESCO and Half of Ancient Kushan (2) FDC
Afghanistan 2000 GOLF PAST AND PRESENT Sheetlet (9) Perforated MNH
Afghanistan - Scott #B51 - See note in Scott - S/S - MH - SCV $5.00
Afghanistan - Scott #516-517 - S/S - MH - Lt. creasing, toning spots - SCV $1.50
Afghanistan - Scott #460-461 - Imperf - MH - Creasing/tear UL #460 - SCV $4.50
Afghanistan - Scott #B9-B10 - MH - Paper adhesion/rev., crease #B9 - SCV $1.50
Afghanistan 2001 POPE John Paul II & Mother Teresa sheet Perforated Mint (NH)
Afghanistan 1970 Sc #837/838 United Nations Day Set (2) F.D.C.
Afghanistan 1979 Sc#966 International Year of the Child (ICY) Set(1) FDC
Afghanistan 1988 Flowers set (7) MNH Sc # 1303-1309
Afghanistan 1985 WWF Wild Animals set (4) MNH Sc # 1172-1175
Afghanistan #1135-1137 1984 Space Mint VF NH O.G CTO a
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Afghanistan 2001 POPE John Paul II & Mother Teresa Sheet Perforated Mint (NH)
Afghanistan 1960 Sc#470/1 + B35/6 Perf.+Imperf. World Refugee Year FDC
Afghanistan 1972 SC#870 Pashtunistan Day (1) F.D.C.
Afghanistan 1974 National Sport Buzkashi (1) Re-print FDC
Afghanistan 2000 OLD SHIPS FROM THE NAVIGATORS Sheetlet (9) Perforated MNH
Afghanistan The Women Icons F.Kahlo/Loren/Taylor Shlt (9)
Afghanistan 2004 WWF. HIMALAYAN MUSK DEER (4) Deluxe s/s Imperforated Mint (NH)
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