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US Stamp 1991 29c Flags on Parade - 100 Stamp Sheet - Scott #2531
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US Stamp - 1991 Comedians - 10 Stamp Booklet Pane Benny Brice #2566b
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Heartland Printed Combo Second Day Cover for the 1991 Federal Duck Stamp
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Kribbs' Kover Hand Painted Combo Second Day for the 1991 Federal Duck Stamp
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Fred Collins Hand Painted Combo FDC for the 1991 Federal Duck Stamp
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Scott#2464 - PNC5-MNH - Lunch Wagon - 1991-US
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Scott#2523 Mount Rushmore 29¢ 1991 PNC5 (P# 4)MNHOG-US
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US Stamp - 1991 Christmas Santa Claus - 50 Stamp Sheet #2579
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Scott#2526 - Flower (Tulip) 29¢ 1991 Perf 10 PNC5 (P# 2222)) MNHOG-US
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US Stamp - 1991 Savings Bonds - 50 Stamp Sheet - Scott #2534
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US Stamp - 1991 District of Columbia - 50 Stamp Sheet - Scott #2561
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US Stamp - 1991 (29c) F Rate Non-Denominated - 10 Stamp Bklt Plate K1111 #BK184
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US Stamp - 1991 Numismatics - 50 Stamp Sheet - Scott #2558
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United States of America 1991, Olympic Games 5v [::::], MNH
Scott # 2578 - Roman Madonna & Child - Block Of 4 - MNH -1991
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Scott#: 2562-2566 - Comedians Issue 29¢x5 1991 BPE Strip of Five MNHOG
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2579 Christmas-Santa And Chimney 25 MNH 29¢ Plate blocks FV 29.00 Issued 1991
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1991 US Scott #2529 19c Fishing Boat Coil Pair Type I, MNH
ICOLLECTZONE US WI14 1991 Wisconsin Sheet with tab $100 CV (A100)
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ICOLLECTZONE US Scott Super Clean Collection 1975-1991 VF NH Col10
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ICOLLECTZONE US IA20 1991 Iowa Sheet $100 CV (A100)
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1991 BK187 Hot Air Balloon 19c (2 panes 2530a) with plate number 2222
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1991 TULIP F-rate BK182 booklet mint ( 2 Sc 2519a pane) plate number 2222
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1991 Fishing Flies 29c BK189 booklet MNH (4 panes Sc 2549a) plate number 22132
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Julian Pugh Hand Painted FDC for the 1991 Country Geese Stamped Envelope
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R. Heflin Hand Painted FDC for the 1991 Country Geese Stamped Envelope
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D. Zigon Hand Painted FDC for the 1991 Country Geese Stamped Envelope
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Paul M. Nitsch Hand Painted FDC for the 1991 Country Geese Stamped Envelope
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I. F. Pope Hand Painted FDC for the 1991 Country Geese Stamped Envelope
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2 Kribbs Kover Hand Painted FDCs for the 1991/92 Country Geese Stamped Envelopes
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2 Melissa Fox Hand Painted FDCs for the 1991/92 Country Geese Stamped Envelopes
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US 1991 $5.80 Service Medal Complete Booklet, Plate A11121111; Scott BK190; MNH
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US 1991 $5.80 Love Globe Complete Booklet, Plate 1112; Scott BK188; MNH
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US 1991 $5.80 Wood Duck Complete Booklet, Plate 3222; Scott BK174; MNH
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USA UX153-159 Mint (1991 Year Set)
US Stamp New Jersey Waterfowl 1991 Error 8c, 8Ae "Brandt" Blocks plus good 8-8A
US Scott #2602, Plate #A11111 Coil 1991 Eagle & Shield VF MNH
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US 1991 $5.80 Comedians Complete Booklet, Plate 1; Scott BK191; MNH
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US 1991 $2.90 Flags Complete Booklet; Scott BK186A; MNH
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US 1991 $5.80 Tulips Booklet; Scott BK185 (K2222); MNH
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US RW58 1991 $15 "King Eider" Federal Duck stamp/solo on an unaddressed first day cover with a Gill craft cover.
#2530A Booklet PL#1111 19c Balloon Souvenir Page 1991 FIrst Day of Issue
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US 1991 $5.80 Fishing Flies Complete Booklet; Scott BK189 (A32224); MNH
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US 1991 $5.80 Space Exploration Complete Booklet, Plate 111111; Scott BK192; MNH
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UNITED STATES - 1991 - 19c American Flag - F D Card
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UNITED STATES - 1991 - Carnegie Hall, 100th Anniv - F D Card
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UNITED STATES - 1991 - Wood Duck. - F D C
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UNITED STATES - 1991 - Change of Rate, Flower Stamp, Tulip - F D C
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