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Set of # 785 to 794 on First Day Covers with various cachets dated 1936 to 1937
2 days, 20h
USA 1936 NY Stamp Exhibition Cinderella stamp- 1598 no gum Train Ship non hinged
9 days, 8h
1936 USS Arizona BB-39 to Alderson, Pa Pace cachet (USMC) (N8740)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39 to Minneapolis, MN (Hawaiian Cruise) (N8742)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39 Pearl Harbor to Stockton, Ca Aiglon cachet (N8745)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39 to St Paul, MN (N8746)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Navy Day, ANCS cachet (N8747)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, San Pedro Harrmond cachet (N8749)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, 20th Anniversary to Berkley, Ca (N8751)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39 Navy Day, Crosby cachet (N8753)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39 Navy Day to San Pedro, Ca (N8754)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39 Halloween (N8755)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39 to Anaheim, Ca (N8756)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Armistice Day to Long Beach, Ca Crosby cachet (N8757)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39 to Cincinnati, OH Crosby cachet (N8758)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Official mail to Los Angeles, Ca (N8759)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge (N8760)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Fleet Week to Greenfield, Ma ANCS 244 cachet (N8761)
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Scott 785-94 1936-7 Army-Navy Issue Complete SET MNH OG F-Vf!
1936 USS Arizona BB-39 to Brewster, NY (N8737)
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US 774/C8/C20 1936 Cover carried on the May 21-23, 1936 Hindenburg (LZ129) Flight from Lakehurst, NJ to Frankfurt (Main) Germany
US 777 1936 3c Rhode Island Tercentenary (Roger Williams) single on an addressed (hand stamped) first day cover with a rice cach
US 777 1936 3c Rhode Island Tercentenary (Roger Williams)on an addressed first day cover with a Grimsland cachet (variety).
US 783 1936 3c Oregon Territory Centennial (single) on an unaddressed first day cover with a Lewiston, ID cancel with an unknown
New York Dept of Labor - (1936?) Division of Bedding Inspection Stamp Unused HOG
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1936 1st Hindenburg U.S. Flt, Stuttgart, Germany to Brooklyn, NY Regis. (61033)
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1936 Hindenburg U.S. Flt, Hamburg, Germany to Manchester, NH Hindenburg (61045)
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1936-37 $25 Retail Liquor Dealer Special Tax Stamp (60957)
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USA 1936 Delayed Airmail Salt Lake Utah Supplementary Markings Cover 91012
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USA 1936 Hindenburg Zeppelin Germany New York Mi42A Cover Schedule 111118
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1936 Cover with Ketchikan AK & S.S. Mount McKinley Cancels & More LV9810
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US 569/632/641/C19 1936 Cover carried on the Hindenburg (LZ129) first return trip from North America over the North Atlantic (Ma
US 778 1936 TIPEX (Third International Philatelic Expo) souvenir sheet of four imperf stamps on an addressed, forwarded first da
US 623/C19 1936 Cover carried on the October 1-3, 1936 Hindenburg (LZ129) flight from Lakehurst, NJ to Frankfurt/main, Germany t
US 748/783-4/C20 1936 Cover carried on the September 22-24, 1936 Hindenburg (LZ129) Flight from Lakehurst, NJ to Frankfurt (main
1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Return Home from War Games to Los Angeles, Ca (N8574)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, July 4th ANCS #148 cachet (N8576)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, July 4th to St Louis, Mo ANCS #16 cachet (N8577)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Neptune's Domain (N8568)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Neptune's Domain, Crossing the Equator (N8569)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Neptune's Domain, Fleet Maneuvers to Newport, RI (N8570)
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1936 USS Arizona BB-39, Launching of USS Lamson to Columbus, OH (N8573)
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783 Oregon Territory Centennial 50 Mint Hinged 3 c stamps 1936
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1936 Resettlement Admin cover, Special deliver Wash DC to S. Charleston WV(a3471
1936 Resettlement Admin cover, Special deliver Wash DC to S. Charleston (a3470
Charter Oak, California to Syracuse, New York 1936 Scott 772 Charter Oak Cover
Carlsbad, California to Midwest Radio Corp., Ohio 1936 Illustrated Reply Cover
1936 Vaticano stampa cattolica 8v. US Sass. n. 47/54
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