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Saint Lucia 1981, Charles & Diana wedding 3 m/ss
St Lucia 1981 Sc 546 Booklet MNH
St Lucia 1981 Sc 538-541 set MNH
St Lucia 1981 Sc 559-562 set MH
St Lucia 1981 Sc 542 bird MNH
St Lucia 1981 Sc 549 Booklet piece MNH
1981 Royal Family.
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St Lucia 1981 Sc 543-545 set MH
St Lucia-Sc #549-complete booklet-Royal Wedding-Diana & Charles-1981-
St. Lucia 1981 SC# 549 S/S MNH-OG L380
St Lucia 546 two sheets, MNH. Michel Bl.29. Royal wedding Charles-Diana, 1981.
ST. Lucia #546 1981 Royal Wedding Mint VF NH O.G S/S Aa
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St. Lucia 538-41 - Mint-NH - Fauna / Agouti / Birds / Crab (1981) (cv $5.00)
ST. Lucia #546 1981 Royal Wedding Mint VF NH OG S/S
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St. Lucia Christmas Paintings 4v 1981 MNH SG#602-605
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St. Lucia Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme 4v 1981 MNH SG#588-591
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St. Lucia Charles and Diana Royal Wedding Coach MS 1981 MNH SG#MS579
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St. Lucia Charles and Diana Royal Wedding 3v Colour Variant Perf 12 1981 MNH
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St. Lucia Charles and Diana Royal Wedding 3v perf 14 1981 MNH SG#576-578
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St Lucia 538-542,MNH. Fauna 1981.Agouti,Parrot,Crab,Butterfly,Purple Carib.
St. Lucia 1981 - UPU Membership Anniversary - Set of 4v - Scott 568-71 - MNH
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Saint Lucia J13-J16 (mnh set of 4) arms (1981)
St. Lucia 577 (mvlh s/s) $5 decade for women, Vigée le Brun (1981)
St. Lucia, 1981, Royal Wedding, #119-20, MNH,++
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St. Lucia, 1981, Royal Wedding, #543, MNH,++
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39804 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER with nice postmark: GRACE 1981
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St. Lucia 1981 - Picasso, 100th Birthday, Art - Set of 4v - Scott 550-53 - MNH
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39807 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER with nice postmark: DESRUISSEAUX 1981
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St Lucia 1981 Int'l year of disabled Sc 559-562 MNH A1785
St. Lucia 1981 - UPU Membership 1st Anniversary Sg 606-609, Scott 568-71 - MNH
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39805 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER with nice postmark: MORN SION 1981
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39818 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER with nice postmark: BEXON 1981
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St.Lucia 572 MNH 1981 UPU Membership Anniv. Sheet
39803 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER with nice postmark: MOREAU 1981
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ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER with nice postmark: La Pointe 1981
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62313 - ST Lucia - Postal History - Cover 1981: Mobouya Valley
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62315 - ST Lucia - Postal History - Cover 1981: Marc
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39788 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER nice postmark: MON REPOS 1981 olympic
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39808 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER nice postmark: LABORIE 1981 Rotary
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ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER with nice postmark: PATIENCE 1981
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62311 - ST Lucia - Postal History - Cover 1981: Sanse
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St.Lucia 1981 Sc#543/546 DIANA WEDDING Set (3) +1 S/S FDC (2) Unaddressed
St.Lucia 1981 Sc#549 Diana Wedding SOUVENIR BOOKLET MNH
39810 ST Lucia - Postal History - Cover Nice Postmark: Mabouya Valley 1981
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62312 - ST Lucia - Postal History - Cover 1981: Amric
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Saint Lucia 572 (mnh s/s) $5 UPU, GPO, Castries (1981)
39821 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER with nice postmark: Fond Assau 1981
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39806 ST LUCIA - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER postmark: HOSPITAL ROAD 1981 Medicine
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