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Russia 2011 Sochi - the capital of the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 block MNH
RUSSIA 2014 Soviet Scientist Academician Designer of Rocket-Space Technology 1v
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Russia 2014,Souvenir Sheet Art Aleksei Gritsai ,ГРИЦАЙ,Painter,# 1809,XF MNH**
Russia 2014 Olympic Games Sochi Olympics sports Limited edition booklet MNH
RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Scientist Space Systems Designer Georgy Babakin 1v
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2011 Russia 1756KL-1759KL 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi 70,00 €
Russia 2013 Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi Olympics sports facilities block MNH
Russia 2014,S/S Empress Catherine the Great & Hermitage Museum,Sc #7536,XF MNH**
Russia 2014,Ships, Multifunctional Icebreaker "Vitus Bering", VF MNH** (STV-1)
Russia #2014 MNH Single.
Russia 2014, Military Heroes of Russia series,Scott # 7511-7515,XF MNH** (OR)
RUSSIA 2012 Sport: Winter Olympic Games, Sochi 2014. Mascots. 2 S/sheets, MINT
RUSSIA 2012 SPORT. Olympic Tourism, Sochi - 2014. Souvenir sheet, English, MNH
Russia 2014 Occupation of Ukraine Regions Republic of Crimea Stamp FDC
Russia 2014 M/S, Joint Issue w/Switzerland,Tower Clocks, Sc # 7531,VF-XF MNH**
Russia 2014,WW-2 M/S,Aviation history,WW-2 Air Rams,#1816-17,VF MNH** (OR-2)
RUSSIA 2014 Heraldry Coat of Arms of Tver Map s-s Sc7587 Mi Bl.214(2115) MNH
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RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Aviation Pilot-Expert Mark Gallai Plane Airplane 1v MN
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Russia 2014 Occupation of Ukraine Republic of Crimea Sevastopol Stamp FDC
RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Scientist Theoretical Physicist Zeldovich (1914-1987)
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RUSSIA 2014 Fauna Animals Birds Moscow Zoo 150th Ann s-s Sc7510 Mi Bl.199(2017)
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RUSSIA 2014 Heraldry Coat of Arms of Tver Map s-s Sc7587 Mi Bl.214(2115) MNH
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2014 Russia Wild Cats II S3 (Scott 7581) MNH
Russia Russland Russie 2014 Europa CEPT Musical Instruments set of 4 maxicards
RUSSIA 2014 Architecture Building National Museum Monument & Coat of Arms Kyzyl
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RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Aviation Pilot-Expert Mark Gallai Plane Airplane 2v MN
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RUSSIA 2014 Religion Christian Orthodox Palestine Society Nun Emblem Church s-s
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RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Scientist Mathematics Vladimir Steklov 1v Mi2010 MNH
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RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Scientist Space Systems Designer Georgy Babakin 1v
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RUSSIA 2014 Joint Bulgaria Diplomatic Relations 135th Ann Flags 1v Sc7542 Mi2060
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Russia 1961 #2448 U SCV (2014) = $0.80
2014 Russia Mikhail Lermontov Poet SS (Scott 7576) MNH
RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Aviation Pilot-Expert Mark Gallai Plane Airplane 1v MN
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RUSSIA 2011 SPORT. Winter Olympic Games, Sochi - 2014. Souvenir sheet, MNH
RUSSIA 2014 Architecture Building National Museum Monument & Coat of Arms Kyzyl
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RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Scientist Mathematics Vladimir Steklov 1v Mi2010 MNH
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RUSSIA 2011 SPORT. Winter Olympic Games, Sochi-2014. Disciplines. Compl set, MNH
RUSSIA 2014 Switzerland Architecture Buildings Tower Clocks pair Sc7531 MNH
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RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Opera Singer Galina Vishnevskaya Award Order Medal 1v
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RUSSIA 2014 History Military Civilian Uniform Clothes Postman Post Officers 4v
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Ec258 2012 Russia Olympic Games Sochi 2014 Mascots !!! Full Booklet 4fdc+2bl
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RUSSIA 2014 Art Paintings Artist Painter Alexey Gritsai Birth Centenary s-s NH
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Russia #7555-7558, Complete Set(4), 2014, Never Hinged
RUSSIA 2014 Famous People Aviation Pilot-Expert Mark Gallai Plane Airplane 1v MN
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2014 Russia 2023-2025/B200 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi 18,00 €
RUSSIA 2014 Fauna Animals Birds Moscow Zoo 150th Ann s-s Sc7510 Mi Bl.199(2017)
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RUSSIA 2014 Architecture Monument of History & Culture Consent Tower in Magas 1v
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RUSSIA 2014 Fauna Animals Birds Moscow Zoo 150th Ann s-s Sc7510 Mi Bl.199(2017)
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