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4049 - RUSSIA 1972 - Popov Museum Tehnic - MNH Set
RUSSIA 1972 - Scott# 3976-82 Paintings Set of 7 CTO
Russia USSR 1972 SC# 4042 CTO l380
Russia 1972: Sc. # 4026-4027: Used CTO Cpl. Set
Russia; 1972: Sc. # 3974: Used CTO Cpl. Set
Russia: 1972: Sc. # 3979, Used CTO Single Stamp
Russia: 1972: Sc. # 3980, Used CTO Single Stamp
Russia; 1972: Sc. # 3975; Used CTO Cpl Set
Russia 1972 #3991, Roald Amundsen, MNH.
1972 USSR 4020-4024 1972 Olympic Games in Munchen
Russia Scott 3819-20 FDC - Industrial & Agricultural, 1972 Issues
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Russia #3989,4028 MNH - Munich Olympic Games Weightlifter 1972
Russia 1972 Scott 3979 CTO - 10k, Paintings
Russia #4006 MNH - Portrait by Van Dyck 1972
4020 - RUSSIA 1972 - Munich Olympic Games - Boxing - Athletics - MNH Set
Russia 4038 - Cto - 6k "Woman Delegate" Painting / Ryazhsky (1972)
Russia 3979 (used cto) 10k portrait of Nikolai Novikov by D. Levitsky (1972)
RUSSIA 1972 - Scott# 4034 Philosopher Set of 1 CTO
RUSSIA 1972 - Scott# 4034 Philosopher Set of 1 LH
RUSSIA 1972 - Scott# 4013 Theatrical Producer Set of 1 CTO
Russia 1972 SC# 4028 S/S MNH-OG L384
Russia 1972 #4026-7, Olympics, MNH.
Russia 1972: Sc. # 3965: Used CTO Cpl. Set
Russia: 1972: Sc. # 4038, Used CTO Single Stamp
Russia: 1972: Sc. # 3978, Used CTO Single Stamp
Russia - Soviet Union 1972 - CTO - Scott #4019
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USSR SC 3977-3978 * Paintings * Used * 1972
Russia Scott 3989 Souvenir Sheet (1972) Mint NH VF W
4063 - RUSSIA 1972 - Tschetschen Soviet Socialist Republics - Coat of Arms - MNH
Russia #4028 1972 20th Olympic Games Ovprt. Mint VF NH O.G S/S CTO B
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Russia; 1972: Sc. # 3937: Used CTO Cpl. Set
Russia - 1972 Medicinal Plants - Scott 3953 to 3957 - MNH
Russia 1972 Scott 3993 used - 6k, Historic and architectural of Ukraine
Russia 1972 - Scott 3939 .. 3942 CTO - Birds
Russia 1972 - Scott 3939 CTO - Bird, Cormorant
Russia Scott 3951, 4024, 4025 (1972) Mint NH VF C
1972 USSR 4009 Writer Ordubady M.S.
Russia 1972 #4028 S/S, Olympics, MNH.
DR Meyer Estate - 1972 Russia Collection - MNH ** on Album Pages - BIN AFA
Russia 1972: Sc. # 3984-3988: Used CTO Cpl. Set
Russia 1972 #4006 S/S, Wholesale lot of 5, Painting, MNH, CV $12.50
Russia: 1972: Sc. # 3981, Used CTO Single Stamp
Russia: 1972: Sc. # 3977, Used CTO Single Stamp
Russia; 1972: Sc. # 3976-3982; Used CTO Cpl Set
Russia - 1972 - Scott #3979 - used - Art Levitski
Russia Scott 3984-3988, 4001-4005, 4018-4022 (1972) CTO/MNH F-VF Complete Sets W
Russia 1972 Scott 3977 CTO - Paintings
{V067} Soviet Union 1972 Month of Health Heart Mi. 3985 Variety MNH
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