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Romania 1994 WWF Sturgeon Fish 635l sheetlet CTO
A0949 1994 Romania Fauna Wwf Fish & Marine Life Michel 50 Euro #5034-7 10Set Mnh
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Romania 1968 #1994//2004, Wholesale lot of 5, MNH, CV $23
Romania C108-C110, MNH. Michel 1994-1996. Gherman Titov space flight, 1961.
1994 Romania 4999-5002 100th anniversary of the Olympic Committee 4,00 €
Romania 1994 IOC Intl. Olympic Committee MS MUH
Romania (1994) #3905 CTO, top value of the set. Stock photo
Romania #3888 cancelled 1994 winter Olympics Lillehammer 115 l
[117900] Romania 1994 World Cup Football Soccer Souvenir Sheet MNH
Romania Sc#C287a MNH, 240L multi, Europa (C.E.P.T.) 1994 - Discoveries and In...
Romania #3952 cancelled 1994 circus animal acts 635 l
Romania #3931 cancelled 1994 Olympic committee centenary 280 l
Romania #3890 cancelled 1994 winter Olympics Lillehammer 245 l
Romania #3948 cancelled 1994 circus animal acts 130 l
Romania 1994 WWF SG 5560/5563 MNH
Romania 1994 WWF SG 5560/5563 MNH
Romania - 1994 17th Winter Olympic Games Lillehammer '94 - 6v Mint NH
Romania 1994 Scott #3906-3911 Mint Never Hinged
1994 Romania Romanian Military Orders War Bl296 ** Rm321
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Romania #3891 cancelled 1994 winter Olympics Lillehammer 255 l
1994 Romania Olympic Games Lillehammer Michel 212 Eu #4954-9 25Bl+6Sh ** Rm390
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1994 Romania Fairy Tales Art #4967-4972 Michel 100 Euro 6Sh ** Rm385
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1994 Romania Birds Fauna Protection Danube Delta Gutter 2Set #5414-15 ** Rm355
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Romania; 1994: Sc. # 3955; Postally Used Single Stamp
SA03 Romania 1994 Fauna Environmental Preservation in Danube Delta used stamps
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Romania #3889 cancelled 1994 winter Olympics Lillehammer 125 l
Romania #3951 cancelled 1994 circus animal acts 500 l
Romania C290 - Cto - 500L Boeing 737-300 (1994)
Romania 1994 Europa Inventions & Discoveries MS
Romania; 1994: Sc. # 3922, Postally Used Single Stamp
Romania; 1994: Sc. # 3913, Postally Used Single Stamp
Romania; 1994: Sc. # 3920, Postally Used Single Stamp
Romania Stamps 1994 Error Nature Tree PIG OVP MNH Post
Romania 1994 Scott 3921 CTO - 1440 l, Trees, Picea abies
Romania #3932 cancelled 1994 Olympic committee centenary 500 l
Romania #3887 cancelled 1994 winter Olympics Lillehammer 70 l
1994 Romania Cats Dogs Horses Domestic Pups Michel #5055-60 100 Euro 6Sh Rm483
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1994 Romania Environment Protection Danube Delta Flowers Bl295 ** Rm320
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1994 Romania Easter Paintings Art #4973 25St 1Sh ** Rm389
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Romania 1994 Scott 3920 used - 940 l, trees, Fraxinus excelsior
Romania 1994 Scott 3917 used - 70 l, trees, Larix Decidua Mill
1994 Romania 4954-4959 1994 Olympic Games in Lillehammer 4,00 €
Romania; 1994: Sc. # 3962, Used CTO Single Stamp
Romania; 1994: Sc. # 3927, Postally Used Single Stamp
Romania; 1994: Sc. # 3916, Postally Used Single Stamp
Romania Postcards 1994 Aviation Flight Tupolev Plane Unused Post
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SA24b Romania 1994 Edible Mushrooms used sheet
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SA03 Romania 1994 Young Domestic Animals used stamps
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