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Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Used 1P. 191092
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Paraguay 1927-1942 National Symbol 3P (ТS-483)
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Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Used 2.50P. 191096
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Paraguay #272 1927 7c National Emblem F-Vf Used
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Paraguay Interior Office 1927-39 1.50p Map Offset Sc L23 VFU
Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Mint Hinged 7c. 191086
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Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Mint Hinged 20c. 191090
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Paraguay #273 1927 10c National Emblem F-Vf Used
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Paraguay #283 1927 50c National Emblem F-Vf Used
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Paraguay 1927-38 3d Fine Used Stamp A11P26F92-
Paraguay 1927-39 1.50p fine pair used interior office stamp A11P26F101-
Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Mint Hinged 7c. 191087
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Paraguay 1927-38 2.50p fine used stamp A11P26F91-
Paraguay #285 1927 50c National Emblem F-Vf Used
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Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Used 50c. Optd 191091
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Paraguay 1927-38 1c Fine Used Stamp A11P26F90-
Paraguay #279 1927 20c National Emblem F-Vf Used
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Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Used 1P. 125249
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Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Mint Hinged 7c. 125241
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Paraguay Cover Leipzig Germany {samwells-covers}PTS 1927 GS299
Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Used 50c. 125246
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Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Used 7c. 125240
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Paraguay 1927-30 Early Issue Fine Used 50c. 125245
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1927 Paraguay National Symbol - Overprinted "C" (Campana) 1P (ТS-477)
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Paraguay 1927-38 2.50p Fine Used Stamp A11P26F33-
Paraguay 1927-1942 National Symbol overprint: Habilitado en un centimo (ТS-476)
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Paraguay 1927-38 10c Fine MH* A11P27F137 Stamp-
Paraguay 1927-38 50c Fine Used Stamp A11P26F78-
Paraguay 1927-1942 National Symbol, overprint: C, 2.50c (ТS-475)
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1927 Paraguay National Symbol - Overprinted "C" (Campana) 1P (ТS-479)
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Paraguay 1927-1942 National Symbol 3P (ТS-482)
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Paraguay 1927-38 10c Fine MNH** A11P26F86 Stamp-
Paraguay 1927-1942 National Symbol, overprint: C, 3c (ТS-474)
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1927 Paraguay National Symbol - Overprinted "C" (Campana) 1P (ТS-478)
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Paraguay 1927-1942 National Symbol, 2.50c (ТS-480)
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