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Niue 1976 (MNH) Definitives imprint/plate blocks
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Niue - 1986 Return of Halley'S Comet / Space - 4v - Mint NH
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7479 BCX 1990 scott #594 MNH (offers welcome)
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Niue 1986 Xmas Paintings in the Vatican Museum MLH
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Niue Sg780/2 1994 25th Anniversary of First Moon Landing MNH
Niue 1986, Visit of pope s/s, MNH
Niue 1986 Xmas Paintings in the Vatican Museum Surcharged MLH
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Niue Sg622/3 1986 Statue of Liberty MNH
Niue 1986, Visit of pope s/s, MNH
Niue-Scott#122-31- id2-Unused NH set-Flowers-1969-
7789 BCX 1946 Niue Scott# 79 MNH** ( Offers welcome )
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Niue-Sc#522-9- id9- used set-Birds-1986-
Niue 1946 Peace Overprint 6p Scott # 92 Used
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Niue-Sc#122-31-unused NH set-Flowers-1969-
Niue - 1990 150th Anniversary First Postage Stamps / Paintings - 4v MNH
Niue-Sc#510-12-Unused NH set-QEII 60th birthday-1986-
Niue 1946 Peace Overprint 8p Scott # 93 Used
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B0106 Niue Art Paintings Christmas 1986 Raphael 1Bl Mnh
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Niue-Sc#122-31-unused NH set-Flowers-1969-
Niue 1946 Peace Overprint Scott # 90 - 93 MH
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Niue 1969 Xmas Nativity MLH
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Niue 122-131, MNH. Michel 99-109. Flowers, Queen Elizabeth QE II, 1969.
44803 MNH Niue 1976 Actividades Agricolas Y Pesca
1993 Niue 822-825 WWF / Sea fauna 16,00 €
Niue to Hartland WI 1986 Official #10 Cover
Niue-Sc#179-88-unused NH set-Definitives-1976-
1986 Niue 685-688/B105 Painting / Christmas 16,00 €
93439 MNH Niue 1992 Aves
Niue Sg693/93 1990 150 Anniversary of the Penny Black MNH
220272 MNH Niue 1986 Stampex 86. Exposicion Filatelica
Niue 1986 Pope John Paul II Visit to Pacific MUH
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Niue Sg615/7 1986 60th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth MNH
44829 MNH Niue 1994 Aves
Niue 1986 Xmas Paintings in the Vatican Museum MS MLH
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80066 MNH Niue 1993 Aves
Niue 651-654, MNH. Michel 822-825. WWF 1993. Dolphins.
Niue 1986 Xmas Paintings in the Vatican Museum Surcharged MS MLH
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Niue 651-54 MNH 1993 Dolphins WWF World Wildlife Fund Full Set Very Fine
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Niue 1986 Xmas Paintings in the Vatican Museum 2x MS MLH
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Niue-Sc#513-14- id9- two used sheets-QEII-60th Birthday-1986-
1986 Niue 650-653 Halley's Comet 5,50 €
Niue-Sc#595- id5-used set-QEII-65th birthday-Flowers-1991-
348169 MNH Niue 1993 Aves
Niue-Sc#589-92- id5-used set-Christmas-Paintings-1990-
Niue #534 (1986 Christmas sheet of four) VFMNH CV $11.00
Niue 1986 Christmas Art Paintings set of 4 + S/S MNH
Niue-Scott#122-31- id9-Unused NH set-Flowers-1969-
NIUE 1990 - Scott# 588 S/S Queen Mother NH
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