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Mauritania Sc 117 NH Issue of 1960 - Tech Cooperation
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Mauritania 1960 Republic Inauguration MNH
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MAURITANIA - 1960 - Definitive Series - Perf 14v Set - Mint Never Hinged
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collection on pages Mauritania 1960 and later HU: SMOKY!! CV $130
Mauritania - 1960 Proclamation of Independence - 3v - FDC
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MAURITANIA #119//132 Deluxe Die Proofs - 1960 Pictorials
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MAURITANIA - 1960 - Proclamation of Independence - Perf 1v - Mint Never Hinged
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MAURITANIA - 1960 - Flag - Perf 1v - Mint Never Hinged
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Mauritania #123 1960 4fr Fennecs Mint VF NH O.G
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Mauritania Well Drinking Water Nomads 2v 1960 MNH SG#132-133 MI#163-164
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Mauritania African Technical Co-operation Commission Coin Label 1960 MNH
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Mauritania; Scott 120; 1960; Unused; NH
Mauritania - 1960 Native Occupation 3v FDC
Mauritania #122 1960 3fr Aoudad Mint VF NH O.G
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Mauritania (1960-61) Sc 119, 120, 121 MNH
1962 Mauritania I - II (II) Overprint 1960-64 Olympic Games in Rim / Tokio
Mauritania (1960) - Scott # 119 - 133, MH
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Mauritania 1960: Sc. # 120; MNH Single Stamp
Mauritania Stamp Collection on 12 Regent Pages 1960-1990 (BE)
Mauritania, Postage Stamp, #119, 122, 123, 128, 133 Imperf Blocks Mint NH, 1960
Mauritania Sc#119 MH/Unused, 50c mag, yel & brn, Native Motifs (1960)
Mauritania Stamp Collection on 35 Minkus Pages 1960-1990 (BD)
Mauritania 126-127 var type 1-2,MNH.Michel I-II type I,II. Olympics Rome-1960.
Mauritania 1962 World Refugee Year set of 3 opts on 1960 ...
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Mauritania #212-215, Complete Set(4), 1960, Butterflies, Never Hinged
Mauritania - 1960 Proclamation of Independence - FDC
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Mauritania, Postage Stamp, #126a-127a Mint Hinged, 1960 Olympics
Mauritania; Scott 120; 1960; Unused; NH
Mauritania 1960-63 Pictorials Asst MLH/MUH/FU
Mauritania 117,MNH. Mi 162. C.C.T.A. Commission for Technical Cooperation, 1960.
Mauritania 1960-62 Pictorial 60f MLH
Mauritania 1960 Scott 122 MH - 3fr, Aoudad, mouflon
Mauritania 1960- CTO - Scott #122
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Mauritania 1960 CCTO blk4 MUH
Mauritania 1960 Scott 123 used - 4fr animals, Fennecs
Mauritania 1960 Scott 119 MH - 50c, Pastoral Well
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