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Collection LOT 17540 Libya 2 Stamps 1992 Cv+$44
4 days, 6h
Libya Kingdom 1992, Gaddhafi 5v
Libya Kingdom 1992, National coat of arms 7v
Libya 1421 MNH 1992 1000 Rose Col Khadafy Issue Very Fine
Libya 1992 Oasis (Camels, Riders), MNH. Scott 1459-1461, CV $9.50
1992- Libya- Ships- Vessels- Worlds map – Minisheet MNH**
1992 Libya Mi. 1938 - 1942 ND Gaddafi Leader 1st September Revolution Gaddafi-
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Libya 1992 MNH Stamps Souvenir Sheet Scott 1432 Sport Olympic Games
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1992- Libya - Olympics Olympic Games Barcelona Spain - Tennis - Full sheet MNH**
Libya 1992 Mi. 1938 - 1942 Gaddafi Leader of Revolution Kadhafi sheets of 25 RRR
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1992 Libya Mi. 1938 - 1942 Gaddafi Leader September Revolution Gaddafi sheets-
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1992 - Libya - African Tourism Year - Camel - Zebra - Complete set 2v.MNH**
1992 – Libya- The 22nd Anniversary of Evacuation of American and British Forces-
1992 - Libya- Libye- Marine life- Fishes- Poissons- Minisheet MNH**
1992 - Libya- Libyan costumes - Complete set -Strip of 5 Stamps MNH**
Libya 1992 Mi. 1938 - 1942 Gaddafi Leader of Revolution Kadhafi IMPERF SET RAR
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1992- Libya- Libye- Horse and Rider - Cheval et chevalier-Perforated Minisheet
1992 - Libya- Libyan costumes - Complete set -Strip of 5 Stamps MNH**
1992 - Libya - Achievements of the September Revolution -Gadafi - 1 Stamp MNH**
1992- LIBYA - Olympics Olympic Games Barcelona Spain - Complete set 3v MNH**
1992- LIBYA - Olympics Olympic Games Barcelona Spain - Block of4 stamps - MNH**
1992 Libya Stamp,National Day, Medical Team , Auto Airplane, Helicopter , MNH
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Libya 1992 - Mi-No. ANIMALE BIRD 1V MNH
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Libya 1992 - Mi-No. ANIMALE BIRD 1V MNH
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Libya 1992 - Mi-No. Animale Sheep 1v MNH
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Libya 1992 - Mi-No. Animale Rabat 1v MNH
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Libya 1992 - Mi-No. ANIMALE DOG 1V MNH
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1992 Libya Stamp, Libyan Women Traditional Address , MNH
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1992- Libya - Olympics Olympic Games Barcelona Spain - Jumping- Full sheet MNH**
1992 - Libya - Achievements of the September Revolution -5 Stamps- MNH** Rare
Libya 1992 Scott 1421 MNH - 1000d, Moamar al-Gaddhafi, head of State
1992 - Libya - The 23rd Anniversary of September Revolution - Bird - MS MNH**
VEGAS - 1992 Libya, Col. Khadafy - 6000d - Sc# 1424 - Cat= $45
1992- 1994- Libya- Tripoli International Fair, Old Jewellery in Silver-MS MNH**
Libya 1992 / 1994 IMPERF ND Mi. 2024 - 2029 Silver M/S Silver Jewelry-
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1992 - Libya - International Stamp Exhibition of the Maghreb States - Stamp on s
Libya 1992 500-600d Asst Col. Khadafy FU (5)Lot25169
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Libya 1992 Eagle Arms & Khadafy Asst FU
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Libya 1992 / 1994 Mi. 2024 - 2029 Silver Silver M/S Jewelry Jewelry Silver-
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1992 Libya Stamp, Libyanmini Sheet , MNH
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