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Lesotho Scott 21-24 Registered FDC - 1966 20th Anniversary of UNESCO
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Lesotho 1968 - U - Scott #47
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Lesotho 1969 Centenary of Maseru MLH
Lesotho 1968 - U - Scott #48
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Lesotho 1968 Rock Paintings, MNH. Scott 60-66, CV $4.85
Lesotho Scott 44 FDC - 1967 60th Anniversary of Boy Scouts Issue
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Lesotho 1966 SG 111b/120b Mint
[D*] Lesotho Scott 60/66 - SG160/166, 1968 Rock Paintings Set MNH**
Lesotho Scott J3-J5 MNHOG - 1967 Postage Dues - SCV $0.90
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Lesotho 34 Diamonds 1967
Lesotho 1968, Cave paintings 7v, MNH
Lesotho 1967 Sc 25-31 set FU
Lesotho 1966 SG 111b/120b MNH
Lesotho 1968 (MNH) Definitives
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Lesotho 1967, Definitives 12v, MNH
Lesotho 1967 SC# 44 MNH L156
Lesotho-1967-Sc#J5 Postage DUE Stamp-Mnh Very Fine Last One57 Years OLD
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Lesotho 1966 (MNH) 1c Orange River plate 3A–1A sheet
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Lesotho-1967-Sc#J3 Postage DUE Stamp-Mnh Very Fine Last One57 Years OLD
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Lesotho 1969 10c reg env size H used from Peka to Morija
Lesotho-1967-Sc#J4 Postage DUE Stamp-Mnh Very Fine Last One57 Years OLD
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1966 Lesotho Scott J2, J2a "LSEOTHO" error block of 12 MNH
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Lesotho 1966 (MLH) Provisionals plate blocks, script CA watermark
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Sc# 79 Basutoland 1962 "QE / Plane at Lancers Gap" 12½¢ issue MNH CV $25.00
Lesotho; 1967: Sc. # 26: Used Single Stamp
Sc# 81 Basutoland 1962 "QE / Mission Cave House" 50¢ issue MVLH $20.00 Stk #1
Lesotho Sc 47-59 NH Issue of 1968 - Animals, Plants, Diamond
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Sc# 81 Basutoland 1962 "QE / Mission Cave House" 50¢ issue MVLH $20.00 Stk #2
Lesotho 1966 SG 120a/120aa MNH
Lesotho 25 Maze 1967
Lesotho 1999 - Dogs Pets - Set of 4 Stamps - Scott #1169-72 - MNH
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Lesotho 1967 Postage Dues 2c brown-rose complete unmounte...
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Lesotho 1966 wmk Script 5c unmounted mint strip of 4, one...
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Lesotho 26 Cattle 1967
Lesotho 1967 Postage Dues 1c blue unmounted mint pane of ...
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337770 MNH Lesotho 1967 Universidad
SA11g Lesotho 1966 20th Anniversary of UNESCO mint stamps
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LESOTHO SC#44 60th Anniversary of Scout Movement (1967) MH
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Lesotho 1967 Boy Scouts, MNH 44,SG144
Lesotho 1967 SC# 37-40 MNH-OG E28
[D*] Lesotho Scott 44 - SG144, 1967 Scout Movement Anniversary 15c MNH**
LESOTHO - 1967 - Scout Movement, 60th Anniv -Perf Single Stamp-Mint Never Hinged
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Lesotho BOY Scouts Scott #44 FDC First DAY Cover & 362a Booklet 1967 & 1982
[D*] Lesotho Scott 45/46 - SG145/146, 1968 WHO Set MNH**
LESOTHO - 1968 - W H O, 20th Anniv - Perf 2v Set - Mint Never Hinged
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38249 MNH Lesotho 1967 60 Aniversario DEL Escultismo
Lesotho 1966 12 1/2 cents corner mint strip of 3 mint o.g. hinged
Lesotho; Scott 25; 1967; Unused; NH
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