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1988 Brisbane Expo.
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Kenya 1988 - 1990 "Butterflies" #424A - 440 $29.70 MNH
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Kenya 1988 Independence 25th Anniversary FU
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Kenya 1988 President Daniel Arap Moi 4sh FU
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Kenya 1988 President Daniel Arap Moi 10sh FU
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Kenya 1988 President Daniel Arap Moi 7sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul 1-sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Utensils MUH
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Kenya 1988 World Expo Brisbane 5sh FU
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Kenya 1988 WHO World health Organisation FU
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Kenya 1988-90 Pictorial Butterflies 20sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Game Lodges FU
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Kenya 1988-90 Pictorial Butterflies FU
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Kenya 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul MS MUH
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Kenya 1988 Utensils MS MUH
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Kenya 1988-90 Pictorial Butterflies 40sh FU
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Kenya 1988-90 Pictorial Butterflies 40sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Expo Brisbane MS MUH
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Kenya 1988 President Daniel Arap Moi 3sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Utensils 10sh FU
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Kenya 1988 President Daniel Arap Moi 1sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul 5sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul 5sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul 1sh FU
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Kenya 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul 3sh FU
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Kenya 1988 World Expo Brisbane 3sh FU
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Kenya 1988-90 Pictorial Butterflies 5sh FU
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Kenya 1988-90 Pictorial Butterflies 3sh FU
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Kenya 1988-90 Pictorial Butterflies 10sh FU
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Kenya 1988-90 Pictorial Butterflies 50c FU
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Kenya 1988 - World Expo, Brisbane, Queen, Ship - Set of 5v - Scott 447-51 - MNH
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Kenya #436 used 1988 butterflies 5sh
Kenya #430A 1988 used butterflies 1.50sh
Kenya 10th Anniversary of 'Nyayo' Era 7v 1988 MNH SG#479-485
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Kenya #431 used 1988 butterflies 2sh
Kenya 431 - Used - 2sh Regal Swallowtail (1988) (cv $0.95)
Kenya #430 1988 used butterflies 1sh
SA25f Kenya 1988 Butterflies, used stamps
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Kenya 1988 Scott 431 used - 2sh, Butterflies, Papilio rex
Kenya 1988 MNH Stamps Scott 457-461 Sport Olympic Games Judo Handball
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Kenya 1988 - President Daniel arap Moi, Nyayo Era - Set of 7v - Sc 469-75 - MNH
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Kenya 1988 - 25 Years of Independence - Set of 5v - Scott 476-80 - MNH
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Kenya 431 Used 1988 Butterflies
Kenya 1988 - World Health Organization, 40 Years - Set of 4v - Sc 453-56 - MNH
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Kenya 453-456,hinged.Michel 443-446. WHO 40th Ann.1988.Nutrition,Immunization,
Kenya 1988 - Seoul Summer Olympics - Set of 5v - Scott 457-61 - MNH
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KENYA 1988 QEII 2/- Multicoloured Butterflies-Papilio Rex SG441 FU
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Kenya Sc#431 Used, 2sh multi, Butterflies (1988) (1988)
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