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Italy Stamps: 1978 Endangered Sea Life; #1317-20; Block of 16+4 Labels; MNH
Italy 1978 Europa + MS XLFDC
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Italy 1978 SG1580 Used
Italy 1978 Scott 1337 used - transfer of the Holy Shroud to Turin
Italy Sc 1320a NH Strip of 1978 - SEA Life - (As24)
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Italy 1978; Sc. # 1327; Used; Single Stamp
ITALIEN ITALY [1978] MiNr 1621-22 ( O/used ) Gemälde
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Italy 1327-1332,MNH.Michel 1613-1618. Famous Italians,1978.Matilde Serao,
*FREE SHIP Italy Pope Paulus VI 1978 FDC (coin cover)
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Italy 1978; Sc. # 1313; Used; Single Stamp
Italy 1978; Sc. # 1295; Used; Single Stamp
ITALIEN ITALY [1978] MiNr 1622 ( O/used ) Gemälde
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ITALY Rome Vatican *ESPERANTO*Label Message 1978 Postcard {samwells-covers}CE268
1978 CATANZARO Italy Amateur Radio QSL Card 16649-
ITALY Cover 1978 *ESPERANTO INSTITUTE* Green Star Cover Label {samwells}CE261
baseball world cup postal stationery Italy 1978
Italy *BOLOGNA* Esperanto 1978 CoverCE255
81209 - ITALY - Postal History - MAXIMUM CARD - Birds NATURE 1978
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aerogramme North Pole flight by airship Italy 1978
Italy - 1955 - Scott #690 - used on 1978 cover to USA
Italy 1327-1332a block, MNH. Mi 1613-1618. Famous Italians, 1978. Matilde Serao,
43017 - Italy - Postal History - Special Postmark on Card : Birds Udine 1978-
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Italy 1978 WWF Sea on FDC Venetia Travelled
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90533 - ITALY - POSTAL HISTORY - Red ADVERTISING Postmak: FIAT 132 Chess 1978
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Italy 1978-1987 Years SET of 6 Stamps MNH
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83573 - ITALY - Postal History - MAXIMUM CARD - aviation airplanes 1978
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Italy - 1978 25th World Baseball - Aerogramme - Mint
Italy 1335-1336,MNH.Mi 1621-1622.Art 1978.By Tranquillo Cremona,Bernardo Strozzi
83576 - ITALY - Postal History - set of 2 MAXIMUM CARDS - MUSIC La Scala 1978
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Italy 1978 FDC LR121F37-
Italy 1337 - Used - 220L Shroud of Turin (1978) (cv $0.55)
1978 Italy FDC LR121F50-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F49-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F47-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F41-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F43-
Italy 1978 FDC LR121F35-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F36-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F45-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F44-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F40-
1978 Italy FDC LR121F42-
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