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Honduras 1965 MNH Stamps Scott C356-364 President Lincoln Lopez Inauguration
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Honduras #C231-240 Cat$23.10, 1955 Rotary, complete set with sheet margin, ne...
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Honduras 1945 Airmail set MNH
5 days, 22h
Honduras US Embassy 1963 Wash DC, 1967 Also Peace Coprs 1965
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Honduras Scott C365-C368 MNHOG - 1965 Knights of Malta/Leprosy - SCV $3.85
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Honduras 2 Pictorial AD ALL Over Back Covers 1960/1961 Both AIR to USA
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Honduras - 1925 - SC C9 - Used
Honduras True Officials Covers 1950'S X4 ,1965
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Honduras 1945 Used Postal Tax Stamp Scott #RA43 Red Cross Flag Mother With Child
Honduras Scott#C257 1956 12c School of the USA - Used
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Honduras SC# C325-30 FVF/MNH 1964
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Honduras C336 Copan 1964
HONDURAS 1965 - Scott# C354-5 Buildings Etc.Surch 40c LH
Honduras C563-67,C570 USED BIN $1.65
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Honduras Scott C273 Used 1965 Airmail Indian stamp with similar cancels
HONDURAS 1965 - Scott# CO110 Churchill Opt. Set of 1 NH
Honduras 1945 Obligatory Tax - Red Cross 1c brown, blue &...
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Honduras; 1965: Sc. # C373: Used Single Stamp
Honduras SG #1-4 1865 NO WMK Used LOT #61257
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Honduras 1945 Obligatory Tax - Red Cross 1c red & bro...
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47997 - Honduras - Postal History - Transatlantic Mail Cover to Spain 1935
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Honduras SG #3 1865 NO WMK Unused LOT #193643-2205
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Honduras C257 US School 1956
Honduras 1935 Postage set of 4 opt'd SPECIMEN (ex ABNCo A...
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Honduras Scott C271 Used 1965 Airmail Flag stamp with similar cancels
Honduras 1915 Early Issue Fine Used 6c. 138942
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Honduras SG #3 Pair 1865 NO WMK Used LOT #61258
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Honduras 1955 Red Overprint 1l key stamp used 15625
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Honduras 1956 - U - Scott #C253
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[62982] Honduras 1964 Olympic games Tokyo stadiums MNH
Honduras Scott C231 MNH** 1955 ROTARY overprinted airmail
Honduras 1955 - M - Scott #C232
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Honduras "Tokio 1964 Olympics" Ms#C338 - C339 +#C341 +# C344 Imperforated MNH
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Honduras Scott C340 MNH 10c 1964 Tokyo Olympics Air Mail Issue of 1964
Honduras 1956 - U - Scott #C256
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HONDURAS 1965 - Scott# C377-8 Churchill Opt. 1-2c NH
Honduras CO69 Basilica of Suyapa 1956
Honduras 1915 Early Issue Fine Used 1c. 138941
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Honduras 1945 A/M San Juancito to United States
Honduras; 1956: Sc. # C255: Used Single Stamp
Honduras Scott #C255 8c, Used 1960
Honduras Scott#177 1915 6c Bonilla Theater - MNG
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Honduras; 1964: Sc. # C316: Used Single Stamp
Honduras (1964) - Scott # C325 - C330, MH
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Honduras Scott#C318 1964 Airmail - Overprinted - Used
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HONDURAS 1945 WW2 Allied Victory IMPERF Souvenir Sheet Sc C154 MNH Toned Gum
Honduras 1956-Basilica of Suyapa-Ovpt. Surcharch Used Block VF 66 Years OLD
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Honduras Scott #C256,C257 10c, 12c Used 1956
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