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HONDURAS 1933 AIRMAIL Officials "VALE L..." Surch. 1.20L /50c red MH - UNLISTED
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HONDURAS 1930 Dionisio Herrera "HABILITADO" ovpt. 1c IMPERF BETWEEN PAIR Sc 290v
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Honduras - 1925 - SC C9 - Used
Honduras #C20c MNH - Surcharge reading down. (1930)
47997 - Honduras - Postal History - Transatlantic Mail Cover to Spain 1935
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Honduras 1935 Postage set of 4 opt'd SPECIMEN (ex ABNCo A...
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Honduras 1930 - M - Scott #290
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Honduras 1931 Pictorial set of 9 optd SPECIMEN each with ...
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Honduras 1933 Airmail Officials L.1.00/50c Brown Imperf Pair Error - Unissued NH
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HONDURAS 1932 AIRMAIL "Aereo Interior" Surch. 15c/6c purple Sc# C74var mint MH
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Honduras Scott 301 used 1931 stamp
Honduras 1931 - M - Scott #298
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Honduras 1931 Columbus 20c unmounted mint block of 8 optd...
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Sc# 108 / 111 British Honduras 1935 "KGV Silver Jubilee" full set MMH CV $15.25
Honduras in New Orleans Unlisted Paquebot 1931
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Honduras 1935 8c blue Airmail, Scott C77 used, value = 25c
1935 Tegucigalpa, Honduras to New York City, NY (62178)
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Honduras 1915 Early Issue Fine Used 6c. 138942
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Honduras #258 1930 Airmail on Official Mint OG H Signed LOT #67491-6*
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aa2644 - HONDURAS - POSTAL HISTORY- Paquebot COVER to the USA - 1934 Sea Mail
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HONDURAS 1930 Government Gazette Newspaper Set & Imperf. Between Set Sc 295-297
Stamp Latin America Honduras 1931 President Barauna 1c
Honduras 1915 Early Issue Fine Used 1c. 138941
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Honduras SG #138S-142S 1932 Specimen Mint OG NH LOT #61247
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HONDURAS 1932 75c Renta de Timbre Revenue MNH Disturbed Gum
Honduras Scott 328 Used 1933 stamp
Honduras SG #112S-113S 1915-16 Specimen Mint OG NH LOT #61252
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HONDURAS 1932 75c Renta de Timbre Revenue PAIR w Control at Back MNH
Stamp Latin America Honduras 1931 Manuel Bonilla Scott 299 A41
aa2645 - HONDURAS - POSTAL HISTORY - Airmail COVER to Italy - 1934 Rotary MAPS
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Stamp Latin America Honduras 1931 6c View of Palace at Tegucigalpa
Honduras Scott#177 1915 6c Bonilla Theater - MNG
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Honduras 1930's Stamp Lot of 24 values in Blocks
1931 Tegucigalpa, Honduras to New Haven, CT Airmail (62071)
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1930 1st Flight FAM 8 Foreign Destination Chicago to Honduras via Texas & C7
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1930 Tegucigalpa to Sa Pedre Sula, Honduras Airmail (62047)
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1933 1934 George Witten Honduran Expedition cachet Honduras, New York cancel
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Honduras 1935 228-31,C77-82 Used
B. Honduras 1935 Jubilee 25c Slate & Purple SG146b 'Short Extra Flagstaff' V....
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Honduras #1 / #273 1865-1930 Early Mint, Unused, Used with Shades Overprints
B. Honduras 1935 4c Green & Indigo SG144c 'Lightning Conductor' V.F MNH Contr...
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B. Honduras 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 25c EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety MLH. SG 146,146a
B.Honduras 1935 4c Green & Indigo SG144c 'Lightning Conductor' V.F MNH Contro...
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Honduras 1932 Airpost Sc C73B San 113a TWO Blocksx4 Blue & Black Inverted Ovpts
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Honduras 1935 MAP Sc C79 Sanbr As180 PL# "F9895" Blockx6 Perf Proof Specimen MNH
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1930 San Pedro Sula Honduras airmail cover to New York USA
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Honduras 1930 Sc 296 Pair Vertically Imperf Unused
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Honduras 1915 Ulua Bridge Bonilla Theater Postmark Colors Variety Latin America
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