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1924, Honduras 2c, Used, Sc 212
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1926, Honduras 2c, Used, Sc 237
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Honduras #C15 MNH - Nr 215 Surcharged in Green (1929)
Honduras 1923 Cover Backstamp New Orleans
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Honduras #C16 MNH - Nr 216 Surcharged in Black (1929)
Honduras - 1925 - SC C9 - Used
Honduras; Scott 256; 1929; Unused; NH
HONDURAS 1929 1p Statue of Columbus 1929a1930 Overprint Block 6 Tetebeche Sc 278
1924, Honduras 6c, Used, Sc 213
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1924, Honduras 1c, Used, Sc 211
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Honduras; Scott 257; 1929; Unused; NH
Honduras mini cover 11 DEC 1924
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Honduras Flag 1923 B/S USA
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Honduras SG #124-137 1922-33 Mint OG H LOT #61125
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Brit. Honduras Belize [1922] Minr 0091 ( O/Used )
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Honduras 1927 colour trial proof of 5c Renta deTimbre in ...
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Stamp Latin America Honduras 1927 6p Presidential Palace
Honduras 1927-28 Early Issue Fine Used 1c. 191376
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Honduras 213 Dionisio de Herrera 1924
Honduras Scott #190 Bi-Sect Tied on Cover by Pink Cancel FWD 1924
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Honduras SG #124S-137S 1922-1933 Specimen Mint OG H LOT #61246
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Honduras 211 Dionisio de Herrera 1924
Stamp Latin America Honduras 1923 2c Dionisio de Herrara
Honduras SG #125S 1922-33 Specimen Mint OG H LOT #191541-714
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Honduras; 1919; Sc. # 189; Used Single Stamp
Honduras SC #184 Used 1c 1919
Honduras Stamps Set of 8 Scarce 1927 NH Specimen
Stamp Latin America Honduras 1919 2c "Statue to Francisco Morazan" Sc #185
1929 San Pedro Sula Honduras Cover Signed Flown by Captain Lisandro Garay Pilot
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1929 Tegucigalpa Honduras First Day Cover Comp Set # CB1-CB4 Airmail
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Honduras 1920-40 Revenues Superbe Group of 38 Perf or Rouletted Proofs Specimen
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1929 San Pedro Sula to Tegucigalpa Honduras Pilot Autographed First Flight Cover
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Honduras MLH set issue of 1927 - Tax stamps with overprintt "Speciment" in red
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Honduras 1927 Revenues Timbre, Licour+ 3 Imperf & 12 Perf Proofs Sets Specimen
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1922-33 Bitish Honduras George V 13v. MH SG n. 124/37
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1929 Honduras to US paquebot American Consular Service cover [y2562]
Honduras 1927 Airpost Central America Lines Sanabria S02 Sheetx4 Perfs Variety
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Honduras 1890-1924 SET of 24 Stamps Mint & Used/Hinged
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O) 1925 Honduras, Bonilla Theater, SCT C8 50c Red, AIR Post Stamp - Overprinted
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67224 - HONDURAS - Postal History - COVER to the USA 1924
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1926 Honduras, YT 187 MNH/** Strip of Three Oblique Overprints
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B. Honduras 1921-33 Signed Photo of Governor Sir Alan Burns Bearing SG121, 12...
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67222 - HONDURAS - Postal History - COVER to the USA 1926
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1927 Honduras, YT 193 MNH/** Strip of Four Oblique Overprints
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69270 - HONDURAS - POSTAL HISTORY - COVER to USA postmark on ARRIVAL! 1922
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HONDURAS Air Mail Stamp *Central America Airlines* 1927 RARE NO SURCHARGE MA260
1922 Bitish Honduras 25c. black emerald MNH SG n. 124
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HONDURAS #O71-O73 OFFICIAL Postage Blocks Latin America Stamp Collection 1921
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