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1965 Greece 875 100 years of ITU
Greece 1985 European Athletic Championship Cinderella Sheet of 25 MNH VF
Greece Sc # 1285, Used
Greece 1984 Europa Booklet MNH
Greece 1513-17 MNH, European Indoor Athletic Championships Set from 1985.
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Greece Sc # 1485, Used
Greece 1975 SG1325 used 7d Lute from Musical instruments set
Greece 1985 SG1689 Used
Greece 1985 Thessaloniki 2300 Years Cinderella SET of 3 Sheets MNH VF
1965 Athens Greece Airmail Cover To University Of Philadelphia USA
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Greece cover to United States 1925(?) - Hewitt Tires Cachet
Greece 1459 Acropolis Block of 4 Stamps MNH Europa 1983
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1935 Greece Sc #C24 mnh cv. $35 ( 728 wwxx )
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Greece 2009 Sc#2375 Dinos Iliopoulos (1915-2001) Used
1980 Greece 1409-1410 2300 years New Astronomy
Greece, 1980, FDC, 1st Hellenic Congress of Nephrology, 8dr,++
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Greece 1980 Sc#1362 Moscow 1980 - Olympia Stadium, Coin of Eleias Used
Greece 2000 - U - Scott #1955
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Greece # 1382-1385, Exports, Mint LH
Greece #1385 Marble For Export MNH
Greece 1955 - Scott #576 *
Greece 1998 Scott 1915 used - 400dr, Platamona Castle
Greece # 1980, Mural of Christ, Used
1935 Greece #RA52-54 H-4 Littleton Stamp Company Set of 3
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Greece - 1984 Picture Postcard With Olympic Stamps - Cancelled
Greece 1975 - Scott #1157 *
1985 Greece European Athletics Mnh** A28P34F29145-
Greece ~ Scott # 1285 ~ Used
Greece 1985 MNH Athens Cultural capital of Europe complete
Greece Scott 574-581 Unused LHOG - 1955 Greek Culture Issue - SCV $115.90
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Greece Paquebot #708C Kalmar 1985 Sweden
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Greece 835 MNH 1965
Greece 1422-1423 Official First Day Cover. Europa 1982.
Greece 1983 Scott 1479 used - 15d, Homer's Epics
Greece 1362-1366 Official First Day Cover. 1980 Olympics.
Greece 1980 Christmas Icons Mi. 1438/40 MNH
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Greece, #634 Mint Hinged From 1958
Greece 1352-1353 Official First Day Cover. Europa 1980
[43339] Greece 1981 Sports athletics MNH
Greece, #1965 Used From 2000
486 Greece 1958 Scott# C74/80 mnh cat. $79. (offers welcome)
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Greece 1382-1385, MNH. Michel 1441-1444. Export 1981. Vegetables, Fruits,Cotton,
Greece 1985 Catacombes MUH
Greece 1985 Europa FU
Greece 1985 Catacombs MUH
Greece 1985 Europa MUH
Greece 1985 Europa, Music MUH
Greece 1985 Indoor Athletic Championships MUH
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