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Search "Germany (Federal Republic) 1981"
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Germany Federal Republic BRD Frama 1981 1.1 Standard SET of 14 Perfect MNH
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Germany Federal Republic BRD Frama 1981 1.1 Standard SET of 14 Perfect FD Used
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West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A25P1F16895-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16894-
West Germany 1981 MNH** set Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16880-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16869-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16875-
West Germany 1981 50pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16870-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16877-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16874-
West Germany 1981 50pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16867-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16881-
West Germany 1981 40pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A25P1F16909-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic A25P1F16899-
West Germany 1981 100pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16884-
West Germany 1981 50pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16872-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16871-
West Germany 1981 60pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16879-
West Germany 1981 50pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16883-
West Germany 1981 50pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16866-
West Germany 1981 50pf MNH** Federal Republic of Germany FRG A23P64F16882-
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