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France 4579 - Used - (61c) La Lourdaise Cattle (2014) (cv $0.90)
Centrafricaine 2014 Sheet Tall Ships Boats
France 2014 - Medical Research - MNH single # 4652
France 2014: Sc. # 4660; Used Single Stamp
France 2014: Sc. # 4596; Used Single Stamp
France 2014: Sc. # 4594; Used Single Stamp
France 2014: Sc. # 4559; Used Single Stamp
France; 1986: Sc. # 2014: MNH Cpl. Set
world war I WWI military service mint sheetlet France 2014 ref 99630
France Sc # 2014 used (BBC)
France 2014 Scott 4668 used - Armor of King Henry II, Renaissance
France 2014 Scott 4667 used - Book cover by Etienne Roffet, Renaissance
France 2014 Scott 4580 used - Cows from our Regions, La Casta, Laurent
France 2014 Scott 4575 used - Cows from our Regions, La Villard de Lans
France 2014 Scott 4577 used - Cows from our Regions, La Nantaise
France 2014 Scott 4571 used - Cows from our Regions, l'Armoricaine
France 2014 Scott 4690 used - The sense of smell, smell of roast chicken
France 2014 Scott 4570 used - Cows from our Regions, Bretonne Pie Noire
France 2014 Scott 4573 used - Cows from our Regions, La Maraichine
France 2014 Scott 4612 used - Vacations, turtles dancing
France 4578 - Used - (61c) La Bordelaise Cattle (2014) (cv $0.90)
France 4577 - Used - (61c) La Nantaise Cattle (2014) (cv $0.90)
France 4571 - Used - (61c) L'Armoricaine Cattle (2014) (cv $0.90)
Centrafricaine 2014 Sheet Tall Ships Boats
France 2014: Sc. # 4612; Used Single Stamp
France 2014: Sc. # 4590; Used Single Stamp
France 2014 SG5570 Used
France 2014 Sc#4608-4619 Holidays 2014 Used
France 1986 Scott 2014 used - statue of Liberty, Liberté
France 2014 Scott 4665 used - Stained glass, Angel, Renaissance
France 2014 Scott 4592 used - Ecogesture, Bio on our plates, Dumas
France 2014 Scott 4540 used - Dynamics, Rosa SP, Rose Rouge
France 2014 Scott 4545 used - Dynamics, Pin cut, Sapin coupe
France 2014 Scott 4539 used - Dynamics, Spirographe
France 2014 Scott 4619 used - Vacations, Geese camping, tent
France 4573 - Used - (61c) La Maraichine Cattle (2014) (cv $0.90)
France 4570 - Used - (61c) La Bretonne Pie Noir Cattle (2014) (cv $0.90)
Centrafricaine 2014 Sheet Seurat ART Paintings
Centrafricaine 2014 Sheet Botticelli ART Paintings
2014 France Coaraze Alpes-Maritimes (Scott 4647) MNH
France 2014 Sc#4590-4601 Together Act for Climate Protection Used
Centrafricaine 2014 Sheet Toucans Birds Wildlife
France, 2014,short sets of French greetings & sense of smell,61c,used, SCV$3.60
Or Best Offer
Centrafricaine 2014 Sheet Elvis Presley Marilyn Monroe
Centrafricaine 2014 Sheet Marilyn Monroe
France 2014 Scott 4581 used - Cows from our Regions, La Ferrandaise
France 2014 Scott 4537 used - Dynamics, Shellfish, Coquillage
France 4580 - Used - (61c) La Casta Cattle (2014) (cv $0.90)
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