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1964 Rocket Mail.
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Caribic Fish Cow Cattle Poultry Chicken 3v 1964 MNH SG#1119-1121
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Cuba, 1964, The Cosmic Flights, Vostok 5 & 6, Mi#910-11, used,++
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CUBA 1964 - Scott# 838 Fish 1c NH
Cuba, 1975, Cosmonauts Day - Science Fiction Paintings sc#1964-69, used,++
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Cuba 835-37 MNH 1964 15th UPU Congress in Vienna Full Set VF
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Cuba 852-57 MNH 1964 Summer Olympics Tokyo Full Set of 6 Very Fine
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Cuba Sc# 830-831 LABOR DAY labour CPL SET of 2 stamps 1964 MOG
Cuba 1964-69 MNH 1975 Cosmonaut's Space Day Full Set
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Cuba 841-45 MNH 1964 Merchant Marine Ships Fleet Very Fine Set
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Cuba 1964 SC# 841 Merchant Fleet-Rio Jibacoa- Mlh-Og Vf-59 Years OLD Stamp
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Cuba-1964-Sc#831 Labor Day-Key Stamp-Used Very Fine WE Ship to Worldwide
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Cuba 1964-Sc# 824 6th Anniv: General Strike-Mh -Vf-60 Years OLD Stamp
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1964 Cuba Stamps Sc 931-932 Second Declaration of Havana Complete Set NEW
Cuba #817-20, MNH set, 50th anniversary National museum, issued 1964
Cuba Sc# 850-851 11th REVOLUTION ANNIVERSARY Cpl set of 2 1964 used / cto
Cuba-1964-Sc#824 Stamp Day- KEY Stamp-Used Very Fine WE Ship to Worldwide
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Cuba-1964-Sc#826 3rd Anniversary-Bay of Pigs Invasion Used Very Fine
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Cuba-1964-Sc#930 DR.Thomas Romay Monhment-Key Stamp Used Very Fine
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Cuba-1964-Sc#826 3rd Anniversary-Bay of Pigs Invasion-Monument-Used Very Fine
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1964 Cuba 944/B24 Planet Earth 12,00 €
Cuba-1964-Sc#929 DR. Thomas Romay-Scientist & Physician-Used Very Fine
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Cuba 832-34 MNH 1964 Diplomatic Relations with China Set of 3
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1964 Cuba 945 Overprint - Voskhod 1 # 943 4,50 €
1964 - Cuba - Yvert n 738 / 763 - 01 ct. a 13 ct. - MNH - CU- 194 - 61
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Cuba Sc# 827 BAY OF PIGS revolution 30c Fallen Eagle 1964 used cto
Cuba Sc# 817-820 MUSEUM PAINTINGS art Cpl set of 4 1964 Used cto
Cuba Sc# 931c Fidel Castro Havana Declaration 3c 1964 MNH
CUBA Sc# 927-930 TOMAS ROMAY Cpl set of 4 1964 MOG
Cuba Sc# 837 UPU Universal Postal Union 50c 1964 used / cto
Cuba Sc# 851 11th REVOLUTION ANNIVERSARY 13c 1964 used / cto
Cuba 1964 SET of 35 Stamps MNH
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Cuba Sc# 821 MILITARY GENERALS revolution 2c BORELL 1964 used cto
CUBA Sc# 828 STAMP DAY philately collecting 3c 1964 used cto
CUBA Sc# 929 TOMAS ROMAY 3c 1964 used cto
Cuba Sc# 836 UPU Universal Postal Union 30c 1964 used / cto
Cuba Sc# 932e Fidel Castro Havana Declaration 13c 1964 MNH
Cuba Sc# 932b Fidel Castro Havana Declaration 13c 1964 MNH
Cuba Sc# 931a Fidel Castro Havana Declaration 3c 1964 MNH
Cuba -1964-5 Very OLD Stamps- Christmas Stamps-Used VF WE Ship to World Wide
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CUBA Sc# 929 TOMAS ROMAY 3c 1964 used cto
CUBA Sc# 929 TOMAS ROMAY 3c 1964 used cto
CUBA Sc# 927 TOMAS ROMAY 1c 1964 used cto
CUBA Sc# 927 TOMAS ROMAY 1c 1964 used cto
CUBA Sc# 911 HEROES OF THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE Calixto Garcia 13c 1964 used
Cuba Sc# 823 MILITARY GENERALS revolution 10c LUCERO 1964 used cto
Cuba Sc# 821 MILITARY GENERALS revolution 2c BORELL 1964 used cto
Cuba Sc# 836 UPU Universal Postal Union 30c 1964 used / cto
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