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SA20f Belgium 1974 Heraldic Lion Precanceled mint block of 8
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SA11a Belgium 1974 Young Philatelists FDC
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SA20f Belgium 1974 Heraldic Lion mint block of 20
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SA20f Belgium 1974 Heraldic Lion mint block of 30
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SA20f Belgium 1974 Heraldic Lion mint block of 10
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SA20f Belgium 1974 Heraldic Lion Precanceled mint block of 10
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Belgium King Baudouin type 1970 6.50Fr Roll strip of 5 1974 MNH SG#2214b
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Belgium 1974, Special sheet Europa 1974 (not valid for postage)
Belgium #868-9 Used Europa 1974 - Sculptures
Belgium 879 - Used - 5fr Montgomery Blair / U.P.U. (1974)
Belgium 875 - Used - 10fr Belfry, Bruges (1974) (cv $0.50) +
Belgium 868 - Used - 5fr Europa (1974)
Belgium 867 - Used - 5fr Herbert Krains (Writer) (1974)
Belgium 1974 - MNH - Scott #B913
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Belgium 1974 - MNH - Scott #B912
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Belgium 758 (used) 6.50fr King Baudouin, vio black (1974)
Belgium 758 King Baudouin 1974
Belgium 1974 UPU Set Sc 879-880 MNH
Belgium Balloon Flight 2-12-1974 Cacheted
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Belgium 868 Destroyed City 1974
Belgium #754 red brown used 1974 King Baudouin 4.50f brown
Belgium 1974 SG2360 Used
Belgium 1974 - Scott B918 used - 10fr + 5fr, Van Gogh
Belgium 1974 - Scott 867 used - 5fr, Hubert Krains
Belgium 1966 European Chemical Plant stamp. MNH. Sg 1974
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Belgium 1974 - Scott #758 *
Belgium Scott 881 MNH** Economic Council 1974 stamp
Belgium Red Cross 1974 Blood Flower Traffic Light First Aid (stamp FDC)
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Belgium 1974 SG2354 Used
Belgium 1974 NATO 20th Anniv. MUH
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Belgium 869 Solidarity 1974
Belgium 877 Jan Vekemans 1974
Belgium 1974 SG2356 Used
Belgium 1974 Europa MUH
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Belgium 869 Solidarity 1974
Belgium 868 Destroyed City 1974
Belgium 868 Destroyed City 1974
Belgium 871-875, MNH. Michel 1770-1774. Historic Buildings and Monuments, 1974.
Belgium Painting 1974 Cultural (ms) MNH *imperf *black print *rare
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Belgium 1974 SG2357 Used
Belgium 1974 - Protection of the Environment - FDC
Belgium 1966 European Chemical Plant stamp. Used. Sg 1974
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Belgium 1974 Scott 868 used - 5fr, Europa, Destroyed city by Ossip Zadkine
Belgium; 1974: Sc. # 758: Used Single Stamp
Belgium 867 Hubert Krains 1974
Belgium 758 King Baudouin 1974
Belgium 758 King Baudouin 1974
Belgium 758 King Baudouin 1974
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