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1932, Barbados 1 1/2p, Used, Sc 168
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1932, Barbados 1/2p, Used, Sc 166a
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MH Stamps Issued During King Geoege VI ERA 1936 -1952 (01)
5 days, 16h
Barbados 1972 QEII Pictorials, Buildings MLH
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1972 Sc #36 used cv.$70 ( 8688 BCXX5 )
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Barbados 1972 International Book Year blk4 MUH
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Barbados - 1972 - Scott #338a - used - Washington House
Barbados - 1972 Telegraphy / Telecommunication 4v Mint NH
Barbados 1972 Boy Scout Diamond Jubilee pr MUH
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Barbados - 1972 International Book Year - 4v Mint NH
Barbados 1972 SG450 Used
Barbados 1912 KG5 Specimen Set of 11
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Barbados Sc 368-71 1972 Telecommunications stamp set mint NH
Barbados - 1972 4th Caribbean Jamboree / Scouts - 4v - Mint NH
Barbados 338a - Used - 25c George Washington House (1972) (cv $3.00)
Barbados #368-371 1972 Telecommunication Centary Mint VF NH O.G
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Barbados Sc 376-79 1972 International Book Year stamp set used
Barbados 334a - Used - 8c Cenotaph (1972) (cv $1.50) +
BARBADOS 1972 15c QE2 Portrait Aerogramme Air letter HG FG4 Unused
Barbados SG 460 SC# 336a Used Barbados Museum 1972 see scan
Barbados 119 1912 2d fine used
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Barbados - 1912 - SC 116,118 - Used
Barbados 337a - Used - 15c Sharon Moravian Church (1972) (cv $1.50)
Barbados-1972- Sc#368-71 Centenary of Telecommunication-Mnh-Very Fine-Rare
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Barbados - 1912 - SC 119-20 - Used
Barbados Scott 376-379 MNH International Book Year Set of 1972
Barbados-1972- Sc#372-5 60th Anniv: BOY Scout Jamborlee- Mnh-Very Fine
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Barbados #372-75 (1972 Scouting set ) on addressed Post Office cachet FDC
Barbados 1970 Sugar Factory $2.50 glazed paper unmounted ...
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51794 - Barbados - Postal History - Registered Cover to USA 1922
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Corals - Barbados #1072 Maze Coral MNH
Barbados 1912 KGV Seahorses 2/-
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Barbados #372-76 (1972 Boy Scouts set) blocks on addressed non-cachet FDC
Barbados used in Vancouver (Canada) 1970 Paquebot cover t...
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Barbados #376-79 (1972 Book Year set) blocks on addressed non-cachet FDC
7264 BCX 1932 scott #178 used (offers welcome)
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Barbados Ohms 1932 , 1947 Fdc, 1957 Flight Cover
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Barbados-1972- Sc#376-9 International Year of the Book-Mnh-Vf Last ONE
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1912 Barbados 85 King George V
1932 Sc #176 used cv.$12.50 ( 8657 BCXX5 )
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Barbados SG #57 1872 Mint OG H £800 LOT #62038
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Stamp Barbados 1970 #338 x2 used
Barbados, Postage Stamp, #175-176 WMK4 Used, 1932
Barbados SG #179-180 1912 Used £185 LOT #68365*
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Barbados 125 SG 179 Used F/VF 1912 SCV $70.00
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Barbados 1932 Nassau Registered 3 US B/S Forwarded
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Barbados 170a 1932 2 1/2d VF Used
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Barbados - Jan 17, 1952 Airmail Cover to Canada
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