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1996 Australia - Sc 1561 - used VF - 1 single - Dog & Puppy
Australia Scott 1535 Faulty - 1996-9 Flora & Fauna Issue
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1996 Australia - Sc 1528-31 - used VF - 4 single - Flora and Fauna
Australia 1540-1541a-1542, MNH. Mi 1579-1581. Modern Olympic Games-100, 1996.
AUSTRALIA 1551b MNH 1996 Children's Book Council Strip 4
AUSTRALIA 1566 MNH 1996 von Mueller, Botanist
Australia 1996 Sc#1565, SG#1652 45c Kittens, Pets, Animals USED-VF-NH.
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Australia 1996 Sc#1533, SG#1624 $2 Blackwood Wattle,Trees USED.
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Australia 1996 Sc#1564, SG#1653 45c Blue Heeler Dogs Pets USED-VF-NH.
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Australia 1996 Sc#1533, SG#1624 $2 Blackwood Wattle,Trees USED.
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Australia 1996 - U - Scott #1519
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Australia 1548-51 - Used - 45c Children's Books (1996) (cv $1.10)
Australia 1996 used Sc #1490c Sheet of 2 45c Cuscus Joint Indonesia O/P World...
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Australia 1996 SC# 1532 U SCV (2014) = $1.40
Australia 1996 - U - Scott #1524
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Australia 1996 MNH Sc 1543 45c Olympics Flag transfer
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Australia 1996 MNH Sc 1547a 45c Children's literature Gutter Blocks of 4
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Australia 1996-99 MNH Sc 1533 $2 Blackwood wattle
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Australia 1996-99 MNH Sc 1534 $5 Soft tree fern, Mountain ash
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Australia 1996-99 MNH Sc 1524 5c Leadbeater's possum
Australia - 1550 1996 Used
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Australia - 1996 - Scott #1565 - used - Cat Kitten
Australia, 1532, Used, 1996-99, BIG Gresy Butterfly
Australia 1540-1541 pair, 1542 FDC. Mi 1579-81. Modern Olympic Games-100. 1996.
Australia 1996 Sc#1551, SG#1631 45c Sandy Beach USED-Fine-NH.
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Australia 1996 Sc#1512, SG#1610 45c Adelaide Crows Football USED.
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Australia 1996 Sc#1567, SG#1656 40c Madonna & Child, Christmas USED.
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Australia 1996 Sc#1551, SG#1631 45c Sandy Beach USED-Fine-NH.
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Australia #1996-7 & Sweden 2419ab MNH joint issue, David Solander botanist,
1996 Australian World Heritage SET Stamp Pack - Ognh - VF- Cv$7.25 (Esp#L4773)
Australia 1996 Pets m/sheet opt\'d for Melbourne National...
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Australia SC#1534 $5.00 Soft Tree Fern and Mountain Ash (1996) MNH
Australia - 1996 Pets / Animals - SET of 2 FDC
Australia 1996 - MNH - Scott #1571
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Australia 1996 - U - Scott #1565
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Australia 1996 - U - Scott #1561
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Australia Sc#1565 Used, 45c multi, Domestic Animals (1996) (1996)
Australia 1996 MNH Sc 1553 $1 Rose Scott Gutter pair
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AUSTRALIA 1568 MNH 1996 45c Christmas
Australia 1996 Sc#1536, SG#1687 45c Jacana, Birds, Wildlife USED.
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Australia 1996 Sc#1570, SG#1659 40c Madonna & Child, Christmas USED.
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Australia 1996 - U - Scott #1523
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Australia 1996 Sc#1550, SG#1637 45c Rose & Midnight Cat USED-Fine-NH.
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Australia 1996 Sc#1524, SG#1622 5c Leadbeaters Possum, Wildlife USED.
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Australia 1996 - U - Scott #1516
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Australia 1996 - U - Scott #1510
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Australia Sg1589 1996 Queen Elizabeth II Birthday MNH
Australia #1555 MNH set, Gem types of 1990, pearl & diamond, issued 1996
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