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Switzerland AIR Cover 1925 ...#C9+2 Vignettes
2 days, 20h
Germany 1935 MNH SC B68 SS PIN Hole in Letter "O" XF 1100 Euros (124)
2 days, 0h
1935 United States Tax Exempt Potato Stamp #RI14 Mint Complete Booklet of 96
was $189
Free Shipping
2 days, 2h
Germany 1940 MNH SC B177-185 SET VF/XF 40 Euros (124)
2 days, 0h
Italy 1925 Livorno-Roma Scarce Cover + Additional "Congress Label"
2 days, 20h
Hungary 1945 MNH Unions Blocks of 4 MI.844-851+,Mbk.867-874
2 days, 21h
Hungary 1918-1925 Used AIR Mail Complete 3 Sets SC.C1-C11 Overprints and Ikarus
2 days, 21h
ST. Thomas & Prince 1943 Rare Censored Cover to US
2 days, 20h
Hungary 1944 MNH Imperforate Portraits ST.Elizabeth Scott 625-630
2 days, 21h
# 894 First Day Cover addressed with Crosby cachet Saint Joseph, MO - 4-3-1940
2 days, 23h
Hungary 1915 MLH WAR Widows and Orphans Overprinted Issues of 1913 Scott B35-B52
2 days, 22h |
# 897 First Day Cover addressed with Crosby cachet dated 7-10-1940
2 days, 23h
Hungary 1915 Used WAR Relief for Widows and Orphans II Scott B35-B52
2 days, 22h
U. S. Scott #877 MNH OG Unused Plate Block of 4 (1940) 5c Dr. Walter Reed
2 days, 23h
Switzerland 1907-1925 MNH SC 140 Single VF/XF $100 (216)
2 days, 23h
Switzerland 1907-1925 MNH SC 141 Single XF $150 (216)
2 days, 23h
Switzerland 1907-1925 MNH/Hinged SC 126-145 SET High # Hinged XF $750 (216)
2 days, 23h
Switzerland 1942 Express Cover SC B117-118++ XF (188)
2 days, 23h
Switzerland 1915 MNH SC B2-3 XF $356 (216)
2 days, 23h
Switzerland 1915 Signed BPP Used SC C2 XF $110 (216)
2 days, 23h
Switzerland 1905 Used SC 114 Fine $140 (216) Check Store for Expensive Stamps
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1907-1925 MNH/Hinged High # Hinged SC 126-145 XF $725 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1940 Used SC B100-104 SET XF $24 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1905 Used SC 113-118 VF $176 (216) Check Store for Expensiv
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1905 MNH SC 105 VF (216) Check Store for Expensive Stamp
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1905 MNH/Hinged SC 113-118 VF/XF $195 (216) Check Store for Expensiv
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1905 MNH SC 107 XF 11.50 (216) Check Store for Expensive Stamp
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1905 Used SC 105a VF $9 (216) Check Store for Expensive Stamp
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1935-38 MNH SC C19-25 SET XF $54 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1905 Used SC 105-111 VF $275 (216) Check Store for Expensive Stamp
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1943 Used SC B132 SS XF $45 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1945 MNH SC B143 SS XF $225 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1945 Used SC B144 SS XF $95 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1940 MNH SC B100-104 SET XF $35 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1941 MNH B116 SS XF $95 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1941 MNH SC C27-34+ SET XF $80 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1944 MNH SC C40 SET XF $11 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1941 MNH B116A+B XF $46 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1945 MNH SC B144 SS XF $110 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1944 Used SC C40 SET XF $15 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1942 MNH B119A+B XF $28 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1925 MNH SC B33-36 SET XF $7.50 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1942 Used B119A+B XF $160 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1940 MNH SC 200b-202b Smooth Paper XF $120 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1943 MNH B131 SS XF $35 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1901-1905 Used LOT VF (188)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1943 Used B131 SS XF $52.50 (216)
3 days, 0h
Switzerland 1915 Used SC B2-3 SET VF/XF $116 (185)
3 days, 0h
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